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RE: A Dash of Sult N Papper 07/25/22 > Lies. Liars. And more lies and liars.

in #dailydose2 years ago

So excited to have noticed your post on my son's feed just a few minutes ago. Sounds like things are going well for you there expect all those "foreigners" from other states invading Texas. I've heard that as well - and know quite a few who have moved from Canada, etc. to Texas (at least I know them on fb). Anyway, totally agree with you about the liars. We started looking into stuff years ago and learned about NASA and their hoax of landing on the moon...and so crazy that all their videos, etc. were lost/deleted! Whatever! Insanity, but you could never convince some people about that. I follow a lady on YT who has some episodes called Question the Narrative (she's a homeschool mama too) and I find her stuff well presented and researched. My husband and I spent some time (5 years ago) before we moved to Panama looking at conspiracy theories. What I don't like about them is they can't really be proved right or wrong. I guess that's why they're theories, but it's interesting when some of them get proven as fact. Anyway, glad to have found and read your post. Hope things are great for you! Don't be a stranger on here! 🤠


Hey Mama so good of you to read and comment. I'll have to check out that YT lady you mentioned. Seeing you pop in here reminds me of our days back in the Steem Engine writing group. I really feel blessed to have been a part of that group, such talented people and I always wondered how in the hell to did I make the cut?
I'll try do more blogging in the future but I sure miss having the time to do the daily dose like I did when I got started ... I think I went 430 or more consectutive days posting my blog before I missed a day.
Did ya'll ever have any success raising the cows?

Wow! 430 days is pretty amazing! We currently have one cow we milk. We've gone through a few at this point, as well as goats! We had one whose baby died of over medication, then she died when we were in the states. Then we got a free one from the dairy that was a mix breed (Holstein and Jersey we think). She is our current milk cow. She had a baby last year, but it died in birth. Then we bought what we thought would be a good one at an apparently high gringo price...we were never able to touch her even after a year. She was wild. She had a baby male. Then we sold both of them at auction for half of what we paid for just her. Live and learn I guess. Our current one is due in Oct, so we are about to stop milking her for two months. Hoping she has a girl. I had 7 goats at one point - acquired 5 in one month - and figured out they were too much work for this mama of 6! So I gave away or sold all of them and now I just have chickens and three sheep. I am not a good chicken mama though either. I probably need to feed them more and keep only the ones who lay. That's what my hubs says at least. Ha! Guess they're more my hobby...and something we can eat if it came down to it. I always enjoyed the Steem Engine as well. It was a good group of people in there!

Learning animal husbandry takes some time that is for sure and there always is some casualities along the way. We learn from our mistakes or at least we are suppose to. Good luck with upcoming birth and I hope your wish for a heifer comes to pass.