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RE: SPS DAO - We Only Move Forward Through Compromise

in #dao7 months ago

Great write up and I have to agree we are "lucky" to have the so called whales we have in Splinterlands. I'm not so sure Luck has to do with it as these are people are invested and committed a lot of resources and time themselves. I'm sure many are out big bucks since SPS has been stick at just a little over 1 cent compared to where it was before.

I feel the DAO has done a rather good job so far on voting and pushing things through that should be pushed through. While of course so of those things I don't agree with I am always open myself to learning others viewpoints as there are things I can be over looking or have not thought about. There are a few times it's swayed my vote in the past by hearing counter arguments to my own.

It's because of these factors I believe even though they might be looking out for their own pockets in some cases it's still towards the overall health of the ecosystem and so far it's been turning out great IMO.


I agree with all you said @bitcoinflood, very good points you made! And one day I think we are going to be very surprised at the implications for how strong and powerful our DAO will become as a result!

Thank you for the time to thoughtfully respond!