Shandalars guide of the modern farmer #1

in #dcrops3 years ago (edited)

Hello farmers! Lets talk about dCrops... this lines are for beginners and rookie players and im writing it becouse my eyes hurts when I see newcommers buying overpriced stuff on market. I didnt want them see running away with disillusions and want to aim this people into fair-play competition against sharks and whales.

disclaimer: this is not financial advice and im not financial consultant... im just simple peasant 👨‍🌾🌈

So... u makes probably your own research, study FAQ and get started topics on discord + all annoucments shared by Skriptkitty. You are probably ready to jump in. I see a lot of questions about ROI, but nobody ask about strategy and game asset management.

In dCrops are two basic rewards - daily for power holding and seasoned - for your harvest selling. But which one is better? Answer isnt easy, but from my point of view - if you are long distance runner and thinking about this project long-term, focus on CROP power accumulating. All succesfull blockchain games rewarding long-term asset holders. Daily airdrops and current+future benefits from holding power is exactly what you want. By contrast, if you want just quick bucks, you dont need any CROP power. In both ways, earnings are related with your game-asset portfolio.

If your mind and focus is short-term
Easiest and cheapest way is buying cheap common and rares plants and selling whole harvested crops from them. You can also sculping market and making daytrading. But there you will have strong competition. Whales which buyed hunderts packs during the sales making easy money same way. Its just about buying seeds from previous season and selling them later few days before planting. Its not bad at all, if you have a lot of free time.

If you want to stay with us long-term, loosen soil, looking after your plants and become well-behaved Farmer... dont stop reading.

At the beginning of my strategy introduction some numbers first.

  1. Game have no official statistics, but i suppose there is around 500 active players and game have potontial have around 1000 active players or more in nearby future. With 50k alpha packs in circulation it will be about 50 packs on average for one player. That is for example 50x land and 50x seed for every season. With growing players base would be amount of average NFT holding asset falling.

  2. 500k CROP tokens was in reward pool at the beginning and amount slowly falling. That is ingame inflation and it was equivalent of 250 alpha packs in CROP power distributed between players at the end of each season. Now its less... around 480k CROP tokens. Who want to take average piece of cake need to have under controll average amount of game asset.

New money isnt entering into game and Hive rewards based on your CROP power is falling. Its true. But i think its just about time, when new asset able to buy comes and quest reward getting balanced (quest rewards based on CROP power). Everyone who will care about his CROP power and who will collect earned CROP tokens and 3* crops will have in the future bigger advantage against players which are selling everything.

Easiest way to reach minimum cap for CROP power reward is holding 10 unopened alpha packs or buy 20k CROP tokens. I prefered unopened packs holding but both assets will increase value over time. You can improve you powerscore by 3 stars CROP holding.

I will introduce more from my research and long-term strategy in next topic🤙


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