Unshackled minds - America incorporated - And free tokens for you all.

in #deepdive2 years ago


Part 2 as promised.

Please read to the end, there is a nice bonus of free tokens awaiting some of you, or most of you.

It is not just enough to state the USA is a corporation, proof is needed.

Here is file 1 below regards the USA being incorporated.


Knowing I was researching this subject and looking for the timeline governments turned into corporations, a friend sent me this from the USA.

"In 1925 articles of incorporation were filed for the UNITED STATES of AMERICA setting up what would be a forced bankruptcy In 1933, this corporate government enticed Americans to voluntarily register for birth certificates, social security, driver’s licenses, voter registration, etc. and enticed us with government benefits to do so. Years later they obligated American’s to register for all of these documents except for voter registration.

These so-called government benefits were no bargain because they belonged to all of us to begin with and over time the largest benefits have been watered down! What most American’s don’t realize is that: No Corporation can operate or fund itself. Corporations require human beings; their credit and sweat equity to finance and operate them! Therefore, everything that the government claims to own actually belongs to “We the Public” and not them! Everything they have been doing is one gigantic fraud and all of it at our expense!

As previously mentioned: These registration programs were instituted so that the Federal Reserve Banks and the Corporate Military Courts of Justice could securitize and monetize the public Trust Accounts. Each Birth Certificate and Social Security Card was eventually converted into a Trust Account and became a government security [like company stocks and bonds] and is marketed as a Mutual Fund. If you own a piece of a Mutual Fund Investment you are actually hedging your money against human collateral.

Every Bond or International Security is assigned a “CUSIP” number and if you know how to use their formula or have a close friend who is a stock broker, you or he can convert the numbers and letters found on your Social Security Card into its CUSIP number. Armed with those **CUSIP numbers, anyone can look up their Mutual Funds that your life is being collectively marketed under. Your Birth Certificate number is handled the same way.
Our forced registration [birth] actually made us the personal property of the State. Each of us unknowingly gave our children away to the Government of the State where they were born when we registered them for a government issued Birth Certificate, which is how the State Government controls child custody! Our children are now their collective property and we are permitted to keep and raise them, providing that we behave ourselves and comply with their corporate laws and regulations!
The State obligates us to pay for our children and they generally object to pay for anything unless we become dead or destitute! It is also the Birth Certificate that provides the Police with the authority to break and enter any house under suspicion of abuse but now the Patriot Act covers all other situations. The Fee Simple Deed gave the State your home and the right to tax you into poverty as a Tenant and the Patriot Act eliminated the need for search warrants.

You are no longer the King of your castle, which was guaranteed by the Allodial Deed because you no longer own a castle! Your personal Lawyer set that one up too and received a large, one time secret kickback, from the State Government on your first tax bill in addition to the fees you paid to him to represent your best interests! Devious people, aren’t they?
When our deeds were *Allodial, no one could trespass on our property, not even the government. No one could Tax your property and no Bank could foreclose on your property but there again, no Bank would ever loan you money against your property either! We were the Kings and Sovereign Rulers of our land and homes. Do you now see how the government has been chipping away at your basic rights and freedoms?"

** CUSIP = https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/CUSIP
.* Allodial = https://legal-dictionary.thefreedictionary.com/Allodial

Below are the pages in order.







This then begs the answer to even more questions.

As we all know, corporations buy corporations all the time, think Bayer - Monsanto, and thousands more similar scenarios.
So the first question that sprang to my mind is - is it possible to buy the USA as a corporate entity - If so who has bought it before?

  • My second question is where are they listed, on what stock market?
  • Who owns the shares?
  • Who receives the dividends?

I have many more questions than that but you get the picture.

I am now on the search for when the UK became a corporation, so far it seems to point to late 1600's.

Canada after that, and I will keep referring back to all previous posts as I go along the search and find records.
What are the first things that spring to your mind knowing now this information?

If you held a hive or steemit account 1 year ago, go to blurt.blog, use your posting key to log in, you will find the exact amount you had then in blurt tokens, free of charge, some of you like v4vapid are going to be very happy.
Your welcome :-)

Peace and out for now.


As a natural person, whose rights and abilities to exercise my own mind are inherent in me by virtue of my natural birth, my sovereignty over myself cannot be sold, transferred, nor assumed in any way by any other.

As such, and therefore, no agreement I have not personally obligated myself to fully informed of any such affect on my obligations has any affect whatsoever, and is no more than fraud. Fraud is not now, nor has it ever been, neither will it ever be, enforceable by any just court.

As sovereign I am not property, now, nor at any time in the past, nor will I ever be, even after my death, as nothing will ever transfer my personal sovereignty in any way to any other person or thing. I cannot be sold, transferred, nor any right to me or mine, ever.

I alone may consent or refuse any agreement or obligation of any kind and my sovereignty remains - and always will remain - unencumbered by any claim or agreement of any kind. So are all human persons, now and forever more. Should we undertake to mutually act in our defense against our enemies foreign and domestic, as advisable in view or our present exigency, then such agreement will be completely at will and our sole options as free people.

I look forward to the eventual lawful governance of ourselves that will be unimpeded in effect once the significant impediments to our comity and felicity have been removed, and our legacy as free persons is exercised by our posterity across the heavens in eternal prosperity and joy.


Like your style buddy.

Sorry 2 pages are not in the correct order, my bad.

So 1933 we were sold by our gov't. I thought it was after the Civil War, another bad time. Good find shepz1..

Cheers brother, incorporated as above, and yes, looks like sold during or shortly before the gold confiscation.

Thanks, keep researching from sunny Poland. I havnt said much because im flat out but this is of much interest

Welcome, got a team of people researching with me from around this wonderful world, will keep posting as I get the info brother.