Buried Alive – Episode 4

in #deepdives6 months ago (edited)

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Image by Headfone

So of course, the delayed release of Buried Alive has limited its impact on many fronts from hostage negotiations, to original crime drama, and now marijuana forgiveness on the federal level. While it was fun writing this audio drama for Headfone and also enjoyed listening to the final product, it seems it might never be released to the public. There’s only one more episode I’m going to release after this one so the only way you can hear how it ends is if Headfone releases the story on their app. West Coast Milblogger returns in the new year.



(Official) Friday, August 18th, at 2:37 in the afternoon, it's been almost a day since Casino Killer called Estelle to demand a ransom for Marie's safe return.

Detective Larry Hughes has returned to the family's house to listen in on the ransom call with the Captain and a few F-B-I agents. Amazingly, this high profile development has stayed out of the media - or at least the media hasn't reported on it yet - as it's been made perfectly clear Marie could die if Casino Killer learns the police are involved.


(As if he's been running) Hello Estelle, I'm Detective Larry Hughes with the Nevada State Cold Case Unit. I'm here to help find your daughter.


(On the verge of tears) Thank you Detective. Please bring my baby back. She's such a good girl. She doesn't deserve this to happen to her.


Yes. She doesn't deserve this. It's terrible Estelle. I've been trying to catch Casino Killer for more than five-years now. Although, it's only clear now, all the cases are connected.


(Disappointed) Not exactly inspiring.


This is the first time we've made contact with him. Like I said, it took a while to figure out it was the same person, because he evolved. This is a new development in his story. Hopefully, the final chapter.


(Huh) Little better. It would make sense if Marie lead to his downfall. It would give what's happening meaning.


(Confident) That's what I'm looking for. You're going to be talking to him soon. Estelle, do your best to learn details about your daughter's health, and where she's being held.

Also, try to get some details about the location. Desert, Las Vegas, small city on the outskirts, or maybe they're in the mountains?

We want to find her alive.


(Empathy) Yes, lets find Marie alive and well. Any details can aid in the investigation, understood.

Another issue is the Bitcoin payment.

I have the money, it's just difficult to have the transaction approved. My accountant is working with the bank. It won't be ready until tomorrow. There's nothing to be done.


That's tough. You're going to need to share that information with Casino Killer too.

Try to hear from Marie first. Then let him know the Bitcoin payment can't be made until tomorrow. That way, he knows you're serious about getting the money to him. He'll want to keep Marie alive.


Thanks Detective... (Trails off)


Detective Larry Hughes. Detective Hughes, mam.


Thanks Detective Hughes. That's actually very helpful. Enjoy your train of thought. I'm still in shock and very nervous. But I'm going to ask where they are and tell him I want to speak with Marie first. Then tell him about the Bitcoin transaction failure.

It's a terrible situation. He only called for a minute or so. If he hadn't of had Marie speak I would have never believed him.

Then, I had to figure out how to make a Bitcoin payment. I don't use cryptocurrency. And it's not like he asked for a couple of hundred-dollars. Moving millions has strings attached.


(Agreeing) No doubt. You're just being honest and asking questions any mother would want to know. You'll be fine. We all want to find her.

(SFX of heels on marble floor walking away.)


Estelle walks away, they both know the call is happening soon. She needs to go back to the living area where she's taking the ransom call.

In another room, the Captain and some F-B-I agents are going to listen in on the call as well.

Detective Hughes, uses an app on his cellphone, allowing him to hear the phone tap. He puts headphones on, and opens a door to walk around the outdoor pool half covered in shade.

Going to the edge of the shadow with his back to the others, now out of sight, Detective Hughes pulls a vape pen from his pocket to take a hit of cannabis.

Now turning to exhale, he catches a teenage girl looking down at him through a window. He waves politely. She closes her curtains on him.
(SFX of phone ringing)


(Worried and nervous) Hello. This is Estelle. Who is this?


(Over the phone, cringy and creepy) Good Estelle. I'm glad you're not playing games with me. Do you have the money?


(Forceful mom) Where's my baby? Where have you taken my little girl? Let me speak to her now! I have to know where she is?


(Trying to calm Estelle down) Don't worry she's good in the ground. Now what about the Bitcoin payment?


Let me speak to my baby first! How do I know she's alive. What have you done to my baby girl?


Nothing. Marie's here at my home in the ground. She's safe there. The sooner I get the money, the sooner she can rejoin the living.


Let me speak to her. I must know if my baby is still alive!


(Reluctantly) Alright. (Beat, to the side) Marie are you awake? Your Mother wants to talk to you.


(On the phone though a speaker and weaker) Mom! (Almost gasping) I'm so hungry. I haven't eaten anything since.


I can hear you Marie. Where are you?


I don't know. I woke up in a box. I can't see anything. There are speakers and a microphone inside with me. I don't even know where?


It's O-K baby. Stay strong for me. We're going to get you out of there.


(SFX click, while interrupting rudely.) Yeah, alright, that's enough of that. Tell me about the money.




I turned her microphone off. You know she's still alive. Lets keep it that way. Tell me about the money.


(Erratic) I can't get the money converted into Bitcoin and transferred until tomorrow. It's a large, sudden amount of money to ask my accountant for, and then to treat it so haphazardly. It's easy to understand why there's the delay until tomorrow, we don't want to alert the authorities.


Just remember your daughter's life is on the line. She's going to sleep in a shallow grave again.


(Quick) Where?


In a shallow grave in the Mojave (pronounced Moh-ha-vee)Desert.


(Inquisitively) But where?


Near my home. Don't worry, she can live a couple of more days. She has access to water. I'll call back same time tomorrow. Just get me the money.

(SFX click and dial tone.)


(Sigh) Hope you guys got that.


Estelle returns to the marbled hallway near the pool door to meet Detective Hughes, who's waiting. They share a knowing look.


You did well. We learned a lot. Casino Killer continues to evolve. Now he's created a coffin space where he can sustain your daughter's life while communicating with her.

We also know that she's been buried alive on his property located somewhere in the Mojave (pronounced Moh-ha-vee) Desert. We can now concentrate on those areas.

We've already created a map based on driving time from the information provided by you about Marie's run yesterday morning, up until the time he called you.


(Firm) That's astute Detective Hughes. I'm starting to picture where she's located in my mind.



(Angry) She can't get the money until tomorrow. I can't believe this. I know she wants to see her daughter alive again. Damn it!


Allen also known as Casino Killer, leaves the modest kitchen of his doublewide desert home, to feel the sand in his sandals.
(SFX of walking on gravel, dirt.)

A powerful wind moves in from the northeast, where Las Vegas sits on maps, an hour's drive away. That's where Estelle is now, and unknown to Allen, she's speaking with Detective Hughes.

Allen has a mix of emotions tearing at his soul. The stress of changing his routine weighs on him because he doesn't like talking to her Mom. He wants to bury her alive too. Only this time he wants the money more than the kill. Plus, there's the excitement of listening to Marie while she's buried alive. He never got that perk with his other victims.

(SFX walking stops. Beat.)


(To himself) What am I going to do now? I have to wait another day to get the money. In my mind, I'm boarding a plane to the Bahamas to best use my Bitcoin.

Now, instead of starting the beach life, I have to tough it here for another day with this stupid girl buried on my property.

(SFX of walking on dirt, gravel.)


Allen, or the Casino Killer, walks toward Marie's gravesite. He might have dug her up today, right now, if Estelle had transferred the money.

Only he keeps getting more upset because the deal isn't finished. As his anger begins to boil over, he looks for an instrument to release his rage on.



(Sobbing) Mom. I feel so weak. I'll try to be strong for you down here in this grave. I'll believe you can find me. Right now, I'm sending telepathic thoughts from this darkness. I hope they lead you to where I'm located.


Marie can feel the vibrations of walking above her. Suddenly, there's a forceful thumping from above as dirt compacts against the lid of her coffin. Finally, a blood-curdling battle cry seeps through the hourglass sands of the desert to where Marie awaits salvation.

Thank you,
Cyrus Emerson
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