West Coast Milblogger 01/07/2023

in #deepdives5 months ago

Image by Mediamodifier from Pixabay

Happy New Year everyone. Took a little time off from the West Coast Milblogger to promote my new MIA audio drama that could appear on the Headfone App sometime in the future.

As I thought might happen on the war front is that nothing much happened at all. It’s like 1984, or as the Bible says, rumors of war. All the major powers are puffing up their posture while no one is willing to make a decisive blow. It’s just threats and contained violence to allow arms manufacturers time and space to refine technology.

Of course, as the West Coast Milblogger implies, these are observations from non-establishment point of views far away from where battles are occurring or might occur in the future. This writing began promoting From A to Z, an everything company hoping to use Hemp that had been nationally legalized in 2018 for industrial production, to help solve climate change. Yet the reasons for it being illegal never went away after it became legal and the powers that be have subverted any hope of Hemp reaching its full potential with a global pandemic, and now threats of a nuclear world war.

From A to Z has gone bankrupt. Nothing has worked out as hoped. The think tank has now been reorganized to observe global events as they unfold and hopes of solving climate change continue to be undermined. Even as the Biden Administration champions green energy the United States continues to be the world’s leading oil and gas producer able to keep Saudi Arabia from manipulating geopolitical events at the pump. Yet somehow, we are unable to produce enough oil domestically to drop the price below two-dollars a gallon (sarcasm because we can).

Another defining characteristic of America’s oil boom is that only large multi-national corporations benefit from this new found global market share. Small American oil producers continue to struggle with volatile share prices that go lower and lower despite the threat of $150 a barrel.

Hemp should have allowed every citizen the ability to cash in while helping the global economy to become a force against climate change. However, just as the Hemp Revolution predicted, the powers that be have taken the power into the hands of the few while making us all dependent on their whims. We now go to work in fear of nuclear war while paying more for gas without questioning how climate change can be solved. We’re even starting to believe the new doctrine that the oil and gas industry isn’t responsible for man-made global heating.

Now let’s take a look at hotspots around the world that we’re worried about all the time starting in Gaza where no one’s safe because everyone is a terrorist. That’s kind of a joke.

Before the West Coast Milblogger break people were antisemitic if they were critical of the bloodshed in this area. Only there was a ceasefire in Gaza as well helping to take the heat out of the spotlight on this war. Now, it’s not frontpage news even as hostilities reignite. It’s also OK to hope Israel doesn’t kill civilians in Gaza because the Biden Administration has adopted this stance as well. However, Americans are still supporting the Jews who have committed themselves to defeating Hamas even if this conflict escalates around the region upsetting the UN.

China has shown its true colors by not patrolling in the Red Sea against Houthi rebels, while military equipment has found its way to Gaza. Yes, China is suppling Hamas with weapons, or at least Chinese weapons have found there way to Gaza. We might be able to say someday that the Chinese are antisemitic even as Lavrov muddles the landscape with empathy for Israel aggression.

Unfortunately for the enemies of Israel a new front could be opening in Iran as we wait to see if ISIS-K plans more bombings in that country after the one that claimed nearly 100 lives this last week. If violence increases in the Middle East it would be easy to see these terrorist groups being freed up to plan more mass casualty events. A wider conflict looks more like Syria than two opposing forces. No one really wins yet somehow Israel knows how to come out on top unless there’s a call for war crimes when the smoke clears.

Finally, as 2024 begins Putin’s body double is really starting to feel comfortable. It started with a question from a deep fake AI on a media day. Since that time Putin 2.0 has been very happy when speaking to the Russian public. Just last night he celebrated Christmas Eve with families who have lost loved ones in Ukraine. This is his biggest opposition as we saw a mother of three try to run for President of Russia. However, she has been peacefully dismissed on grammar discrepancies found on her application. Meanwhile other opposition candidates have been approved with the slogan “I can never win.”

So, it’s now seen that Putin is going to win another six-year term running on the mandate of the woman who caught everyone’s attention. She can be Lenin to Stalin and won’t raise a fuss as long as she’s allowed to live. Only we must remember its Putin 2.0 and he’s some guy from somewhere we don’t know. For the first time in his life he’s not afraid of Putin. He’s been given information making him feel passionate about the war in Ukraine from the Russian perspective. He’s the pauper turned prince feeling the gift from God. He’s been on the verge of tears lately as he embraces the hope of the Russian people to be the victors in this conflict.

We’ll continue to monitor these situations right here every week on the West Coast Milblogger.

Thank you,
Cyrus Emerson

For more analysis on the war in Ukraine check out Combat Vet News:
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