West Coast Milblogger 01/21/2024

in #deepdives5 months ago

Image by Mediamodifier from Pixabay

Ending this week with the biggest development we would be remised not to discuss Pakistan airstrikes against Iran. While many media outlets see this as a potential conflict between former friendly nations, the West Coast Milblogger once again takes a different tacked.

Just as it’s been overlooked that Putin died of a heart attack and remains frozen in a freezer at his home with Putin 2.0 taking control of Russia. So too are American, Israeli, and UK airstrikes on nations they’re not at war with at this moment. It seems to our think tank at From A to Z that these airstrikes are once again meant to create the difference of perception between the Arab and Western world.

As Hamas cries foul with thousands of Palestinians being killed from Israeli airstrikes without intervention and Houthi Rebels now suffer from airstrikes against their positions; Iran and Pakistan are playing a game on the international stage where they’ve committed airstrikes against terrorists in each other’s territories. No one’s sure if this becomes a new escalation or another sidenote. Our guess, this dies down as both sides learned something about international politics and media coverage through this military exercise. And indeed they’ve already reconciled.

If Pakistan’s airstrikes against Iran do become a new front in the chaos of the Middle East, then we’ve already heard calls for Chinese peace mediators. So to hedge our bets there is the possibility that this new conflict means to pull China in deeper.

We can see why with Russia getting beat up in Ukraine. The attack on Israel on October 7th was meant to help deflect attention away from Russia with the United States becoming more involved while embarrassing America on the world stage as backers of war crimes.

As we’ve discussed that backfired with South Africa taking Israel to The Hague. Hamas now struggles to inspire international protest. People stand more calm, unable to justify lethal action aside from Iran who’s working with Russia in a hopeful attempt to detonate a powder keg.

This explosive region of bloodshed also remains one of the most broke places on Earth. Ukraine is the poorest country in Europe, yet they’re now deploying ground drones to fight against the invaders of their beachfront property. Gaza strip, poor people who don’t want to leave they’re beachfront property. They’ve kept their keys before to find ruin later. Houthi rebels have no money while living on waterfront property as well. All of these countries receive military support from the US or Iran along with international humanitarian aid.

They all continue to hold America hostage as the global police force attempting to keep the peace. Some disagree with the comparison to Afghanistan in concern to investment for the war in Ukraine. Only who can deny that the US Treasury weakens with a debt crisis caused by more than 20-years of war spending.

The Axis of Evil understands this yet remains too weak to confront America with its military might. It instead continues to try and pull the second largest economy into the fray, basically setting China up for a fight with the West. Of course we understand why Russia, Iran, and North Korea hope that the US must confront China militarily. Once again it stems from parity.

Another aspect that seems to be lost right now is the control of these international shipping routes. While Houthi Rebels and other Iranian militias focus on attacking Western trade vessels, China is in fact getting a free pass in the area, this could be a reward for not intervening. Yet it seems obvious that moving goods from the Middle East to China is becoming easier; while moving gear from America’s East Coast to West Coast via the globe might be more difficult in the future.

It's all in the name of ending the dollar dominance and American hegemony.

Only we have to accept the reality on the ground. Without China committing to war in the world the West maintains the edge in the wave of violence. This unfortunately also seems to preview who maintains the financial edge in the global economy.

While China and Russia thought they could take the world by storm we’re witnessing how they’re failure to export culture limits they’re economic impact. There’s no great movies, books, or music these countries can interest the West in buying for mass media consumption. It can easily be dismissed as propaganda or classical. Nothing describes our current situation or future vision we might aspire too.

Meanwhile, another development in Russia has us scratching our heads about the will of the people in this region. An environmental advocate being jailed for a translation issue has motivated thousands to protest against the regime. Yet this could be short lived exposing the stress not the cracks in their society.

Then again there’s always the Uyghurs in China who haven’t been given justice yet.

Thank you,
Cyrus Emerson

For more analysis on the war in Ukraine check out Combat Vet News:

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