West Coast Milblogger 02/04/2024

in #deepdives4 months ago

Image by Mediamodifier from Pixabay

Black Lives Matter as we witness the fall of Western Civilization (possibly). The Zionist regime supported by American infidels are being ordered to leave Israel and bases around the Middle East.

Much like the African American population in the US that faced injustice because of a flawed system geared toward protecting the wealth of Whites; so too are the Arabs rising-up in the Middle East feeling like an oppressed population. Iraq can lead the way after 20+ years of American occupation with soldiers maintaining a presence to suppress ISIS. Yet at this time all of these countries find friends in ISIS because of Israeli’s response to attacks on October 7th.

While many in the West want to protect Israel and its right to defend itself against these barbaric attacks. Those in the Middle East remind us that this didn’t start in October. This began at the end of World War II when the West created Israel offending Arab leaders in the region by disrespecting their sovereignty because of a book written more than two-thousand years ago. A book that they’ve already written a sequel too in their favor.

Welcome to Black History Month as a Black Secretary of Defense announces he has more capabilities than his enemies who have taken the lives of three black service members in a drone attack. While America claims to be a land of diversity, it’s haunted by the protests of 2020 that continue to tarnish its global image. Russian and Chinese propaganda won’t let the land of the free out of its history as a slave trader. It’s all optics.

One can gage this sentiment through the sudden anger of North Korea. The nation launched a spy satellite to show up South Korea. North Korea gloated for a week or so before South Korea launched its own spy satellite with the help of the USA. Once again, the Axis of Evil couldn’t win. Going 0-and-infinity creates jealousy churning into animosity. These nations don’t care if the West always seems to win. Theses nations want the winners to leave.

In other words, from Iran to North Korea the Axis of Evil is fed up with America’s #1 attitude. We find ourselves at a precipice in the history of human civilization. If the West could find it in itself to move all the Jews to Arizona to manufacture semi-conductor chips with the help of Taiwanese who have given their island to China; then we might forge a future of world peace. If the West cannot relieve the feeling of oppression the Axis of Evil feels, they’ll continue to fight until they actually defeat the West, and then oppress the West as they see fit. That’s ignoring the potential of nuclear war.

Ironically, this seems to be former President Trump’s position as he continues to make noise as the front runner for the Republican party nomination. Withdraw support for Ukraine and NATO allowing Russia to win. Withdraw support for Taiwan to allow China a victory. He seems more suited to a two-state solution than forcing Israeli’s to move to Arizona, yet has made his position for a wall on the Southern Border very clear even though he failed in his efforts before as Bannon embezzled funds.

Nikki Haley seemed to be promising as a substitute Republican nominee who could restore the Grand Old Party to its roots. She must win her home state of South Carolina to remain alive in the Primaries though.

The Republican Party, whose roots seem to have been dissolved in the soil of the South with the recognition for the need to abolish racism. That’s why there’s so much faith in Trump who can push a conservative agenda while remaining above the fray of racism and antisemitism despite the badgering of the liberal elite who have been cast as overzealous in their prosecution of a man picked by the people to lead the country forward.

Yet a majority look to President Biden as a man who restored faith in Democracy with many on the left feeling Trump isn’t above racism, antisemitism, or the law. They don’t see his stances as conservative. They see him resurrecting the South from the ashes even though he’s a New Yorker through and through.

So that’s where American politics are at this point. If Haley wins South Carolina things might change. Yet if things continue with a choice between Biden and Trump it could boil down to the Southern border with Mexican-Americans becoming a deciding factor of global politics.

Even with Trumps rhetoric on Mexicans in general, the Mexican population in America on a whole votes traditionally Republican. Yet their strong conservative views could be undermined with a strong position to close the border to immigration. Many conspiracy theorist at this time, point to the uncontrolled and historic crossing across the border as an attempt by Biden to gain more votes this upcoming November.

We cannot forget Putin is running for President of the World as well. His election takes place in March long before things heat up in the US. It could undoubtedly have an influence on America’s elections with an uptick in Russian and Chinese hacking.

We don’t like it dude. Fractured globalism makes space exploration dangerous.

Thank you,
Cyrus Emerson

For more analysis on the war in Ukraine check out Combat Vet News:
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