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RE: Open Letter from Dapps to @justinsunsteemit

in #delegations4 years ago (edited)

I've been concerned about Dtubers losing this delegation pretty much since the day it was given. I feared many content contributors would simply take it for granted. I'm wondering how many Dtubers actually powered up? Is there enough SP available within that community to keep the place afloat for awhile while things get settled? Is this truly a disaster or can they step up to the plate and take care of themselves now?


I think this is what it really comes down to. These communities have been around for a long time and the users need to support each other, not succle at the tit of Steemit. Those days are done.

Exactly. People can decide today if they want to act like victims or prove to themselves that entity they despise isn't turning them into the puppets they don't want.

Ahahahahaha “our own token”. Yea, like people give a shit about your worthless trash.

Epic fail dude. Epic.

Hopefully this news and the potential loss of income (for now) will encourage people to carry on and try really hard to look out for one another. If I felt like giving advice to anyone today, that would be it. It's so easy to feel defeated around here these days, with more and more seemingly bad news and confusion constantly rising to the top.

I miss the days when a vote from a dolphin like me had some serious power behind it. There's literally thousands of us here who could be helping out if that value was higher... but I digress.

Good luck.