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RE: Proposal to pay Crimsonclad a salary + extra budget to get listings & general improvements to Hive's perception

in #dhf • 3 months ago (edited)

Dear friend. What a thing to wake up to 😂 So, we've already talked and this whole thing has had an entire life cycle before I even made it to the chain, but I thought I would make a few points here for anyone reading because as we know, the universe has a way of aligning needs.

So, I've actually been working on a life update post that contains a section about an upcoming proposal from me, as well as some opinions how how I'd like to see the DHF evolve, as well as ask the community their feelings on the length of time of the distribution/etc. I did let some of our stakeholders and community know my rough intentions and to consider that it would be upcoming for the first quarter, but there's always other work to do and so I did 😅 Since my proposal can't by any definition look quite like what we're used to, me holding off and finally now being forced into it (haha, I kid SORT OF) still feels like it will be important to involve the bulk of our community in that discussion before we let it rip.

That being said, directly to you- much love. I am in agreement with you and many others that I should have likely tackled this much earlier and much differently. However, my intent has been, and always will be to put as much work into Hive as my personal resources support- it's balancing that "donation" with making sure that work isn't devalued for all that is tough.... but that's what a ridiculously long post is for. Off I go!