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RE: Hive-Engine DAO Funding Proposal

in #dhf4 years ago

I agree, many of these second layer projects are getting more crypto agnostic by the day and nothing is stopping an HPS proposal from benefiting without really giving back concrete value.

Let's not advertise until we have a finished product, until, until, until. Actually, Hive as it is, is worth adverising 4X more than it currently is at least. Worth reaching a consensus over, in what our brand really is and stop talking about which technical aspect needs work. I think reaching a marketing consensus is the can of worms witnesses postpone opening and herein lies the advantage of a centralized corporation over a decentralized social media platform.

I agree that blaming the blogger has gone on for long enough, blogging may not be the way of the future for Hive but it still is the way of the present and explains the rebirth of Hive from its own ashes. A dedicated community of social participants decided to believe in this new iteration. We should be thankful and profusely validate the human aspect that is so desperately lacking on other blockchains and how less technical people actually live here.