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RE: Hive-Engine DAO Funding Proposal

in #dhf4 years ago
  • P2P development and testing - 20,000 HBD
  • Smart Contract Development - 40,000 HBD
  • Performance Enhancements - 20,000 HBD
  • Ethereum Bridge - 10,000 HBD
  • BTC market - 10,000 HBD

This is a very large pill to swallow. Why not prioritize them and create separate proposals and milestones?

Now the uncomfortable part, because I like what you do for the ecosystem, but I have been less than impressed with how we've utilized community funds thus far.
My guess is that you will be able to derive transaction fees or find other ways to monetize this effort on the back end (not a dig, but you seem very apt at monetization), so this seems almost like a business bootstrap. So if the community is making what amounts to a business investment, what is the community ROI? Correct me if I'm wrong, but with all of these mechanisms in place, you stand to take in much much more than 100k in transaction fees.