Mission "Nai Sa" was a success

in #dogs4 years ago

Nai Sa is a temple area that we have been assisting for about a month now in an effort to get their animal population under control before it gets out of hand. They have less than a twenty dogs there at the moment, but as I am sure you are aware this can change very quickly once the dogs start to breed. Then the situation, like in so many other temples around Thailand spirals out of control and all of the animals end up suffering as a result. Thankfully we were able to nip this in the bud before it had a chance to get that way.

Maybe 20 dogs sounds like a lot to the uninitiated but I can assure you from my years of experience that this is in the low numbers for temple populations of stray dogs.


we picked up and sterilized 9 females in total and were also able to help treat some open wounds of several other dogs that would have certainly become infected if left untreated. This of course leads also to blood parasites which is a very slow and painful death for a dog.

I have intentionally not included photos of those two dogs but their wounds were cleaned, treated and they were given broad spectrum anti-parasite medication.


Don't be sad little buddy! We are going to bring you back to your friends in just a couple of days!

We were also able to administer nearly a dozen vaccinations that will keep these little babies free from most diseases for at least a year.

You could say that the dogs are rather excited by our presence because after a month of weekly visits they seem to recognize the truck and associate it with food.


The monks, who do most of the caretaking of the animals as best they can have been doing a good job but as you can see in the pictures there are a few dogs here that are pretty malnourished. Hopefully the big bags of food we left behind will change that situation. We did ask them to stick to a certain amount and not just feed them indiscriminately, but we'll have to see if they actually do this. We can't be at the temple all the time and the monks do seem keen to help out.

We also asked them to let us know if any additions dogs get dropped off here, particularly females.

Special thanks to all of our donors out there that continue to make our efforts possible. We couldn't help these poor souls without your generous assistance.

If you would like to see how you can help out or simply spread the word, please visit our website at



Krabi Animal Welfare is a charity run entirely by volunteers and are a registered non-profit organization in Thailand and the U.K.. We aim to relieve the pain and suffering of dogs and cats within Krabi Province.




That was a big job at the Nai Sa Temple hopfully the monks will learn from your instructions.