
This services has its value somehow, in other way of thinking. I'm newbie btw.

Aug 2017?
Not a newbie my buddy
But do whatever works for u 👍

I joined that month but I started using last month, LOL

Maybe my opinion is only valid at higher level. Like I said I’m singed up too. It’s just my opinion it’s not much different then upvoting the post ourselves. So again just my opinion
I think it’d a good service for anyone who doesn’t have enough steem power, I just think it’s not worth it once we do. We can disagree👍

That said for a total newbie without steem power it’s def worth it. Plus the community here is good people. I just don’t think it’s worth it for anyone with a reputation of over 50 like u or me. We should have enough steem power by now

Well, except that there's a lot of finger-waving in the direction of self-upvotes. This way you don't have to explain WHY. You also don't have to keep track of all your dust. And if you're self-upvoting all your comments, then even I will wave my finger at you as it makes sorting for the most valuable comments less useful.

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