Flat Earthers - What is Truth?

Actually Can Respect These Guys

They think for themselves and that is great. Perhaps these are the guys who will survive the vaccine holocaust in a way that out numbers us. Because of their skepticism:

  1. They don't buy into global warming. Because there is no "globe", there can be no "global warming"
  2. They often did not get the vaccine.
  3. They believe they are important and not "non-essential"

I have respectfully disagree with their belief in the shape of the Earth but our energy is better spent not trying to convince others but finding others who want the same and know what is going on. If you want to convince people of things though, talk to pro-vax people who are killing themselves. Climate change alarmists who fear for the future. Concentrate on the meat space for that. All these people claiming this or the other might actually be AI personalities and not even real. Don't waste your time on them. So when you want to develop a project involving crypto you can be sure to find people on Hive. That is why I love Hive. It is a social media with cryptocurrency users.

Nobody is going to die of medica complications thinking the Earth is shaped like a dinner plate. Nobody is going to end up starving to death because your governments are composed of those who think the Earth is shaped like a dinner plate. There are disastrous consequences for the other two. At all levels. People stressing out for global warming which has always been possible. Just like an asteroid strike or super-volcano. It's not impossible and it is not certain it will happen in the next century like the climate change alarmists would have you panic about.

How does one know the shape of the Earth? That is something of an exercise of debate and finding truth. Build and criticize experiments and then publish the results. We should concentrate on ideas and principals that if true or false our decisions could kill us. I know the Earth is a ball, but I am not going to Antarctica so I wont fall off the edge. Ha ha.

It is better we talk about risk Monero vs. Bitcoin, Bitcoin vs. Rune, and alike. The meme is cool though.

.🍀🍀🍀🍀 leprechaun

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Posted with proof of brain


I heard an argument a couple weeks ago about the earth being flat, and I have to admit that it was quite convincing.

Here’s the argument:

  1. 3/5 of the surface of the earth is water.
  2. None of that water is effervescent (i.e. carbonated).
  3. Therefore, the earth is flat.