About modern bartending

in #ecotrain3 years ago

Historically, bartending was a profession with a low and not recognized reputation and esteem. In 20th century

Bartending is an interesting profession that is highly recognized in this 21st century, and they are being discussed almost all part of the world now.
Firstly i would like to talk about who is a bartender;
A bartender is someone who serves all kinds of drinks behind the bar e.g distilled beverages, wines, beers and so on. Then, mixing of different kinds of drinks together like cocktails and mocktails to make one particular drink that's when the mixology skills comes in as a bartender.

Every bartender must know his/her spirits, wine, liquor, beer and citrus juice so as to understand the real concept of creating a tasty cocktail or mocktail that would never leave the taste memory of his/her guest. One has to be creative and be innovative about bartending skills.
There's this thing i always tell people love what you do, Follow your passion and success will follow you. This particular works in every way not only in bartending but in life as a whole.
I guess my passion for bartending has brought me this far and it has created doors of opportunities in so many ways and platforms. I have met a lot great people through this profession so I can boldly say that it's one of the best profession you can invest your time on.

Actually there's just a little difference between them and which is just ''ALCOHOL'' yes . Alcohol stands as a distinct difference between a cocktail and a mocktail That's just it.
Cocktails are drinks made and served with a feeling of alcohol while mocktail are created and served without alcohol being added to it.

So recently I decided to create an aperitif mixed with Tennessee whiskey cocktail, and I would like to share the process of mixing and creating the cocktail.
I. Aperitivo 25ml


  1. Amaretto 25ml


  1. Tennessee whiskey 50ml


  1. Simple syrup 20ml


  1. Energy drink for ( top up ).


Now I'm going to show you guys the process of me making this lovely cocktail. I'm sorry I'm not going to be posting the video due to some technical issues.




Finally u add some crushed ice to it and then you shake.


After shaking the drinks together, then you can now pour it on ur highball glass or balloon wine glass but in this post I decided to use an highball glass no reason attached to it.
You can now top it up with ur favorite energy drink and so, I decided to use my favorite which is Redbull


And finally here is your smooth and tasty cocktail ABACHA.


That's is the name of the cocktail. Sounds weird right ? I literally named the cocktail after one of the Nigerian past president SANI ABACHA. Now the reason for me giving the name ABACHA to this cocktail is because he was a fierce and mean president of Nigeria back then in the early 90s' and so is the cocktail ABACHA as well.
He ruled Nigeria as a military person during the military regime. though I wasn't around or born then, "smiles'' but I can tell what happened back because I've heard alot of his stories and so I can boldly tell how his regime was.

Okay so for the cocktail lovers and the bartenders in the house I'm urging you to try out this cocktail using same recipe stated above. Thanks for this opportunity again for sharing innovative ideas.