Weekly Edenbuxx Payouts.

in #edenbuxx4 years ago

Weekly #Edenbuxx Payouts.



Weekly Edenbuxx Payouts.
Each week the top 12 #Edenbuxx holders {over 20 tokens} will receive select hive engine token payouts.

Currently we are giving away LOTUS and WEEDCASH.

BUT WHERE ARE THE FREE TOKENS COMING FROM YOU ASK? There will be an equal split between 50% of @a1-shroom-spores weekly #weedcash and #lotus liquid holdings.


@cmplxty has received 64.86512840 #Lotus

@teenagecrypto 64.86512840 #Lotus

@battleaxe 64.86512840 #Lotus

@oscarps 64.86512840 #Lotus


@cmplxty has recieved 1.11920959 #Weedcash

@teenagecrypto has received 1.11920959 #Weedcash

@battleaxe has received 1.11920959 #Weedcash

@oscarps has received 1.11920959 #Weeedcash


Nice Drops! So this is why people should hold EDENBUXX tokens??

Yes there are going to be more and more weekly payouts for #Hodl ing. 😃 🍃

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Do not miss the last post from @hivebuzz:

Feedback from the October 1st Hive Power Up Day

Congratulations @ecosaint!
You raised your level and are now a Minnow!


You have just been bro-fisted by the guys in the man cave and now have 1 more BRO. Enjoy!**

For more info, please give us a look in here: https://discord.gg/qd8J2x3