in #education2 months ago (edited)

Digitalization of education has become a real problem for many parents. Most of them suffer from it and dream to be far from this innovation. They don't wanna have digital diaries, digital marks, digital hometasks, but.... they do nothing to change it!

They all say it's "IMPOSSIBLE" to reject from it, because teachers demand to use them, and parents "have no choice".
So they are just victims and "poor sheep" of cruel digitalization.

Is it really so??

In fact, NO!
They do have a choice!!
They all have a right to reject from any digital platforms because they are not obligatory, they are just assistants for the traditional education, but if parents don't wanna their kid to use them, they have a right to reject!

Deputy Ministry of Education answering the question of parents about digital platforms say without any doubts, open and clear, that they are NOT obligatory, and noone has a right to force their usage.

So officials do know laws.
People do NOT know.

What does our law say? And it says that coercion and dragging onto platforms is a violation: 1️⃣ Law on Education of the Russian Federation. 2️⃣ Current Sanitary and Epidemiological Standards. 3️⃣ Civil Code of the Russian Federation. The decision about the service is made with the sovereignty of the will, consciously and beneficially for the party being received. It is prohibited to confuse the consumer. And, knowing about the harmful consequences, continuing to push the goods is an offense. 4️⃣ Family Code of the Russian Federation. 5️⃣ Federal Law No. 152On Personal Data”.

But, a right to reject from anything that is used by the most of parents means your own inner power to choose a different way and to be different.
And this is a real problem! Not digitalization itself!

Most people just prefer to stay in "herd" but to be a part of it, to be like others, among others, do what others do. Even if it harms them or their kids.
They do have a choice but do not have power to use it.

So who is bad?
Officials? Laws?

Or people themselves?


"So who is bad?
Officials? Laws?

"Or people themselves?"

Yes. The true answer is 'yes.' Everyone is bad according to someone. What parents need to decide is what is bad for their kids. When my eldest was headhunted by Georgetown, the premier university in the world for politicians, I wanted him to take their scholarship and gain that education so that he could be one of the movers and shakers in the world, write his own ticket, decide for himself what his career would be. He declined, actually telling me he'd rather be a dishwasher and live a good life than wrassle the Jabberwocky of political power all his days. I was not in agreement, but he was who made the decision, as such continuing education was not the province of parents to determine, but the adults that undertook it.

In fact I was outraged. However, from the perspective I now have, a view of his good and happy life, and the sort of classmates he'd have had at Georgetown, people like Paul Pelosi, Charles Prince, and all the Trump children, I today am fervently happy he had the foresight and the intestinal fortitude to stand up to me and determine his own way in life.

That is the purpose of parents and education: to enable our posterity to determine for themselves what is best and right for them. I doubt very much being enrolled in digital services that abuse the personal information of the students for whatever purposes the state or program administrators have, or may come to have someday, is best for the kids involved. There are digital services that can be used, like Khan Academy, various free lectures from great universities, and much more, that parents can pick and choose from as they desire, that do not turn their child into a digital property of the almighty state.
