Liquidity rewards for EOSDAC holders!

in #eosdac3 years ago

If you have EOSDAC, and you aren't actively participating in eosDAC governance, why not earn some rewards and provide liquidity? Staking rewards start Feb 20th! Please spread the word. The details are here:

You can find the pool here on DeFi Box:


There's not much activity yet, so please spread the word! We want the token holders to be able to move in and out of the token as they see fit. The last year or so of eosDAC has been quite challenging because part of the community was primarily interested in token rewards, exchange listings, and speculation while another part of the community was working to build out the DAC Factory (which is mostly complete here: ) and ensure all the workers in the DAC are well paid to continue contributing valuable effort to the DAC.

We now have a way to do both!

Those who want to participate in governance can hold their EOSDAC tokens to vote for active custodians via our DAC portal here:

Those who want to support the project but don't want to participate in DAC voting, can help by adding liquidity to the EOS / EOSDAC liquidity pool on DeFi BOX. If you're not familiar with DeFi (Decentralized Finance) and liquidity pool staking, please do your research first. You should understand things like impermanent loss before getting involved.

Come join our Discord if you have any questions or learn more about eosDAC here:


Hi Luke.

We're these tokens airdropped to EOS holders a while back?

My memory is really bad, but I seem to remember something about EOSdac back in 2017/18. It was at a time when my knowledge around crypto was limited. I might have some somewhere on a wallet.