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The most effective protection against external intervention in families is the families themselves. If husband and wife know why they are together, why they entered into a marriage, what their goals in life are, this is the best prerequisite for starting a family.

If the respective sexes choose their husbands and wives wisely, if they know what they have to pay attention to, if they have a stable mental and social foundation, the arm of the institutions will not reach into them. Not even if their children attend state schools and are confronted with ideologies that are not in line with their parents and their educational principles.
G. K. Chesterton, who was a Christian, said something like: ‘It is not that people believe in nothing (if they do not believe in God), it is that they believe everything.’


thanks for your comment
it's a very wise position and wise words

wise words can also hide stuff one does not want to show, admit

Says the one, wanting to hit/ hurt her kid with violence for discipline.

People like you do not help us with the problem "state"
You are even a negative example, which uses the state to intervene again.

Best greets and luck to you