in #familyprotection3 months ago (edited)

As a rule, the further place from the center and the capital is, the more outrage can be met there.
But in the case with Chuvashia it differs.
it's a region that is situated not so far from Moscow - about 600 km. But when I see news of that region, I am surprised, it's like a different world with different rules.

At first this region appeared in news like a place where grandmothers were not considered to be enough close relatives for a child, so they couldn't stay with him without parents presence or special docs!

In our culture it's normal to take our mother's help, we even don't ask about it, our grannies are always nearby with our newborns as much as we need it. So grannies are the second mothers here, and it's traditions of centuries.

But Chuvashia accepted rules where grannies were almost strangers who couldn't stay or just walk with kids!
It caused a great wave of outrage, and the official who had come up with this proposal was punished.

The second info reason was in CPS activity that was crazy, particularly on New Year's Day for fire safety purposes.

Every year these "caring" guys from CPS came to different houses (especially if a family has definite problems) and examine the situation. They have no right to come without a definite occasion, so they use just "informative purpose" to tell about safety and rules of behaviour during weekends.

As a rule, in fact, they just use that it's holidays time, parents can invite guests, can drink some wine, can walk till night - just like all parents in the New Year do! But in Chuvashia it's a great way to take kid away...

A famouse lawyer and family protector investigated that situation and sent a request to local CPS, who replied with great pride about 42 kids who were taken away during the New Year vaccation.


Government preys on people like wolves do sheep.


sometimes it's truth...

😵😵😵 😳 😲😲😲