in #familyprotection27 days ago (edited)

Every kid orphan should have his family!
The goal of the state to make all orphanages empty and give all orphans new families and a chance for healthy and brights childhood, was broken because of cruel reality.

Money and profit are these 2 reasons that have destroyed this wonderful idea.
The thing is that depending on the region, families who take orphans to bring them up, get a very nice "salary' - financial help from the state.
It can reach 500$ for 1 kid depending!
And what if you take 2? 3? 5?7?
Huge money!!

Many 'gold hunters" count well and can get that orphans bring great profit. And they become "caring" parents who "dream" of a big family with many kids who will be happy in their house.
In fact, kids just get poor food and cloth, poor living conditions and no care and love from these "parents".
A happy case if kids are not hurted by such "parents"...

Now officials see that their kind idea has awful effects - kids are still unhappy, moreover the state pays for this unhappiness huge money!

Now officials propose to take a new law - not more than 3 adopted kids for 1 family.
Thus they hope to stop business on kids.

It's a great that they at last pay attention to this problem.
But at the same time - is this restriction enough to solve the problem?
This bill needs to be developed and analysed very well.

3 kids still bring good money, especially for small cities and villages.
So "kids = money" still is being saved.

Is it obligatory to pay money to such parents in general?
What do you think?



It’s a difficult issue for sure. There are good people who will be hurt by this but there are some bad people who should rightfully so be brought under control with the change.

a portion of child support can be paid in staple foods. Also, with the introduction of the CBDC, this assistance will be easier to control. Although the very idea of total financial monitoring is repugnant to me, one must admit that in the described case it could have been useful
The idea is correct, it is hardly possible to provide full care for more than three children without sacrificing attention to each of them