in #familyprotection2 months ago (edited)

Authorities try to create and support a great fairytale about kind workers of CPS who take care and help families in hard situations.

A Commissioner for Children's Rights in Moscow region published an appeal to parents:

CPS will not take a child from a prosperous or poor family. Poverty is not a vice; the issue is still the state of the family. Therefore, do not believe in myths about CPS, interact if possible, and do not hesitate to call and report. Be caring and don't pass by. CPS is not our enemy.

Public organisations who deal with numerous cases of CPS outrage are surprised with such falsifications of facts and have prepared another appeal to this woman from a fairytale.

All organizations dedicated to helping families caught up in the juvenile system, can assure hat poverty is a reason or at least an aggravating factor when making decisions about the impact of government agencies on families.

The situation is aggravated by the systematic disregard of the rules of law by members of the CPS. The provision of the Family Code, under which parents who are not limited in parental rights or deprived of them, have a priority right to raise their children, is systematically violated.
Despite this norm, rehabilitation centers refuse to return children to parents when they come for them, so it's forcible retention of children.
The child protection system in the Russian Federation was built according to Western patterns and on the basis of Western experience.

a photo from the parade against juvenile justice

Despite the fact that the West isn't friendly to Russia now, Western approaches to the Russian child protection system have not been revised, all juvenile approaches that we have been faced with for more than 10 years are in use.
And this is clear because the system has not changed still.

And as a proof of these words, a famous Russian organisation that protects families from CPS published some loud stories where CPS "helped" kids and parents.

For example:

village Lunevo, Solnechnogorsk district
​ Case No. 1441

Two children (1,7 and 5 years old) were taken away by CPS. No documents were immediately handed over to the parents. Later in docs CPS workers noted that they came to the family after a telephone conversation with the mother, who allegedly sounded drunk.

The essence of the violations:
In the act on the removal of children, a threat to life and health is indicated as a reason, but no immediate threat to life and health is given in the description. They say about unsanitary conditions, dirty dishes, etc. Separately, the reason for the seizure states that the family is registered as “unreliable” and abusing alcohol. At the same time, it is clearly stated that the children’s health is “satisfactory.”

Other violations:

  1. violation of the procedure for selection of a child (no report issued).
  2. violation of the Convention on the Rights of the Child, approved by the UN General Assembly, regarding the extrajudicial decision to remove children from the family.
  3. Hiding information about the whereabouts of children and preventing parents from meeting with their children. The children were immediately placed in foster care.

​ How it was resolved:

CPS filed a lawsuit to deprive the parents of their rights to their children. The judge turned out to be the husband of the deputy chairman of the CPS. The request to change the judge was rejected. The court made a decision to deprive the parents of parental rights.

And it's one of hundreds of cases.

Is CPS a real friend of families?
Who still believes in it?



Rule by force is the disease, who and how are symptoms.™

If I don't have the authority to write my rules down and force them onto you, and you don't have the authority to write your rules down and force them onto others, and neither of us can delegate an authority we don't have, where do the cops get their authority?

Any system that requires armed thugs to persist, sucks.

oh yeah
humanity has forgot the essence of things in this life, who they are, for what they've come to this reality, what they will take with them leaving it. And that's the root of all trash we have in the world