A Month of Challenges

in #fitnesslast year

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Hello everyone,

This March I'm taking part for the first time in my life in fitness challenges. The reason for these challenges is to raise funds for the Cancer Research in Australia. My colleagues have been talking about joining this for some days and today I decided to join them.

Even though I have never been directly affected by cancer, this disease had a big impact in my life as I lost close people to it. So I thought that if I can contribute even a little bit in the fight against this disease, I should do it.

I've joined 2 challenges that will run through the month of March. The first one is the squat challenge, where we will do 57 squats per day for the entire month. Why 57? This is the estimated number of Australians diagnosed with breast cancer every single day. The challenge is organized by the National Breast Cancer Foundation and people can enter as individuals or in a team. I joined my colleagues team since I find this a good way to keep motivated to complete the challenge.

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The other challenge that I'm taking part is the March Charge. This one is organized by the Cancer Council of Australia and the objective is to walk a minimum of 50km during the month. People can set their goal higher if they prefer, I decided to leave at 50 for now so I can feel that is something that I can achieve easily. And if I walk more than that, I will be very happy. I also joined this one as a team with my colleagues. One of them is very competitive so she will keep us on our toes during this challenge. 😄

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The main goal of the challenge is not the physical activity but the raising funds and also awareness for the cancer research. If you want to contribute to any of the campaigns, please follow the links below to the donation page of each foundation. Every little bit helps.

National Breast Cancer Foundation - 57 Squat Challenge

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Cancer Council - The March Charge

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I will keep you all updated on my progress on these challenges.


Sounds great! I wish you good luck with all and fun! =) !PIZZA

Thank you my dear 😊


I'm rooting for you! What a great cause to fundraise for.


Keep up the good work Queen @nane-qts, theacks(1/1) is appreciative of the time and dedication you put into writing this post. Your efforts are truly valued.

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Thank you @theacks ☺️


I hope you will successfully complete the challenges you have started. I'm going to try 57 squats too. Mine will be more for sport but I wanted to share it anyway.

Thank you. It's actually good to join these challenges, keep you motivated to do it.


That's really great and I'll be lying if I say I don't know the negative impacts of cancer to the whole world.
I wish you nothing but success this year my dear... Goodluck

Thank you very much. Yeah, this disease has been causing so much pain to so many families around the world. I really hope they can find better resources to fight it soon.


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