I did a Sunday thing - finally a trip to the gym

in #fitness10 months ago

After months of not really having any oomph I finally woke up feeling motivated. Not a clue what happened over night other than finally getting a decent nights sleep. I shot out the house once the wife was back from walking the dog before I changed my mind!

I started off with a gentle walk to warm up then did some upper body strength training. It didn't take long for things to start complaining after so long being lazy, but I stuck at it for about 25 mins doing 5 difference exercises. I then hopped on my old friend the exercise bike for another 25 mins. I was planning for 30 mins but started to feel a bit dizzy. It was all obviously a bit of a shock to the system 😅.


The view from my walk on the treadmill was rather lovely as usual. Even when it's rough as hell outside it still have a rather lovely charm to it.


The beach was quiet when I arrived but things were getting much busier by the time I left. It's a bank holiday weekend here in the UK and the kids are still off school. Hopefully I'll make time for the occasional swim once the holidays are over as that's something I really enjoy and can often fit a trip into my lunch break.

Never know, may make it back tomorrow to do some leg exercises ... we shall see.


The best view from a gym I have ever seen!

I joined a local gym a few weeks ago and went through the induction. I'm thinking it would be good to go once a week on a Friday afternoon to get a more intense resistance training session. That's a good time to combine with other things I want to do - some local shopping and family visits.

Combining with something else you enjoy sounds like a pretty amazing strategy!

Delayed onset muscle soreness avoided me and I've just gone straight to muscle soreness without the delay 😂.

😂 oh dear, hope you recover soon!

Well done. Just don't over do it and you'll benefit.


Hey @stav, here is a little bit of BEER from @steevc for you. Enjoy it!

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