How you want your steak to be cook?

in #foodlast month

Hai everyone. It is weekend and I hope you ll have a good day today because Monday is already calling you. Oppsss.

Thanks to my landlord he make nice medium rare steak for me to enjoy. Few week ago, he message me if I want to join the money pool collection for the steak day, and of course I would love it. The collection was about sgd 13 which was consider cheap to get this serve.

Comparing to meat that I always eat at the hawker place, I can directly compare the meat quality and this steak has great quality. No wonder you can spend hundred of dollar to buy quality meat.

The landlord has done good job on marinated this portion and I was actually wonder what kind of ingredients that he have been used. Personally I enjoy medium rare cook, but my wife prefer well-done because she don't like the red undone cook of the meat.

How about you? How you want you steak being cook?