🥒 Delicious Korean Inspired Cucumber Salad

in #food2 years ago

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What is up Hive Fam!? 🌸

You may or may not remember (I know, it's been a while) that I am a YUGE Asian food fan, and am forever looking for delicious condiments and sides to have with a huge bowl (or not so huge, I suppose 😅) of sticky rice.

I wanted to use my gochujang or Korean red pepper paste in a recipe, as I had been craving that delicious heat. It's been really hot here in Cape Town, and I love having a bunch of leftover things to assemble into a bowl of yum.

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This recipe actually started off as a salad, and when I left it overnight in the dressing, the next day I discovered that I had pickled my cucumbers! Then I remembered that a basic pickle brine, was literally salt and vinegar - I think the soy served as my salt here.

My foodie science brain got to work and I worked out the ratios of my ingredients needed to make a brine that incorporated soy sauce and gochuchang

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It's super simple and packs a punch that is garlicky and a bit spicy. You can always add less gochuchang if you're not a fan of spice. In my
humble opinion, using the Korean chili paste is the way forward, as it has that unmistakable sweetness

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🥒1 Large English Cucumber
🥒2 shallots
🥒2 cloves garlic (you can make this less if you're not trying to scare off vampires, like I am)
🥒1/4 cup soy sauce
🥒1/4 rice wine vinegar
🥒1/4 cup water
🥒1 T Gochuchang (to taste)
🥒1 t of dried chillie flakes
🥒1 t of brown sugar
🥒a few drops sesame seed oil

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Cut your cucumbers in half, long ways, and in half again, across. Spoon out the seeds, and cut into half circles.

Lay them on a chopping board, and generously salt. This is to draw out the liquid in the cucumbers. Leave on the board while you prep the rest

Chop the onions into very fine, wafer thin, half circles, and chop the garlic very finely too. You could grate it if you like, but I prefer to have slices of pickled garlic to munch on with the cucumbers and onions

In a small bowl, dissolve the gochuchang and sugar into a little hot water (a tablespoon or so). Set aside.

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In a large mason jar, combine the liquids with the chilli flakes and garlic. At this point, you can add the gochuchang water solution to the soy vinegar mix, close the jar and give it a little shake.

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Now, add the cucumbers, ensuring the liquid covers the vegetables. You can use a weight here if you like.

And that's it. Super simple, and so effective and delicious.

Keep in the refrigerator. It should keep for a week or so, but I am sure you would have eaten the entire jar by then!

Great as a pickle on a snack platter or with a fatty dish like a steak.

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I absolutely love having this on some sticky white rice, with an egg and whatever else takes my fancy

Here I had sticky rice, egg ribbons, nori and kimchi with the cucumbers and a bit of mayo and spring onions. Delish 💜

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I loved every minute of preparing this recipe, and sharing with you! Can't wait to hear your feedback

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This looks similar to our Hungarian salads. Especially with the Gochujang. Many of us (including me) also like spicy foods. By the way, we have Erős Pista. This is similar to Gochujang.

Happy New Year.

Have a nice day. All the best. Greetings and much love from Hungary.

Ooh, that sounds delicious! I don’t know much about Hungarian food, I’d love to know the names of some of your typical dishes! Then I’ll make some to share on here 💕

This is so cool! Definitely going to try that out.
The chinese store in Claremont is my favorite!!

Yes! I actually drive past the other day and thought I need to go!

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