I'm still here! Food and flight simulators

in #food10 months ago

I'm still here!

I returned to work on Monday of this week and to be honest, after dealing with all the dilemmas at work and spending 9+ hours in front of a computer, the energy to post hasn't quite kept up with the desire.

Thankfully it's a 3 day weekend here in the UK so the return to work isn't quite the thud it could have been.

So, first off meal updates for this week. We've tried a few new things which have included...

We had this healthy beef chow mein recipe from BBC Good Food. Ours wasn't quite as colourful as theirs, but it was very nice. I couldn't get tamari so used dark soy as an alternative, I also swapped the brown rice vinegar for apple cider vinegar. It was still very nice but I found I needed to add more of both to get the flavour to where it needed to be.


My youngest loves quesadillas so I made these sweet potato and black been versions. They're from a Hello Fresh recipe card I had that we were provided in error. I didn't have the right Mexican spice mix so made something up with marjoram, paprika, chilli powder and cumin. I got a double thumbs up which apparently means I need to repeat this at a later date.


Finally another new recipe was this salmon baked with tomatoes and broccoli. Baking broccoli is a revelation and something I'll be doing again. It completely changes the flavour and texture. The salmon was coated in soy, sesame oil and sunflower seeds. It should have been sesame seeds but I didn't have any...still very nice. Oh, there was also a pinch of chilli flakes, but not a lot.


The only other development has been following the visit to the Radar Museum this time last week, and the kids enjoying the flight simulator, I grabbed a copy of the 2020 version of Microsoft's flight sim. Now we have it the kids couldn't give two hoots! I had hours of fun last weekend though flying a Boeing 747 from London Heathrow to Washington Dulles in real time ... only to crash just before landing.



I wrote sometime ago about the PC my dad bought my sister and I when I was a teenager. I was addicted to Flight Simulator 5.0 back then (1993), and spent hours and hours playing. I remember getting a massively thick supporting manual and wasn't interested in messing about, but wanted to fly A. to B. properly. I've had a few versions since then but this is 2020 version is very VERY different and I'm looking forward to many more adventures in a darkened room! Unfortunately my PC generates quite a lot of heat due to the spec and that isn't great this time of year. On the up side there's an excuse to get ready for sunny destinations in advance and pilot wearing my Speedos.


We've had some roasted broccoli recipes and it's pretty good.

I never got too into flight simulators. I tend to prefer games that don't need too much thought. Otherwise it's more like work.