Saturday hotdogs!

in #food10 months ago

We've been eating pretty well recently. I don't mean in terms of lots of food, I mean that we've cut right down on take away meals and limited processed food. I'm not sure I can remember the last time we ate something out of a plastic or foil tray.

The 10 year old loves hotdogs so I thought it about time we treated ourselves for Saturday lunch. The idea came pretty much at midday so we hopped into the car and charged down to the local supermarket which is only a 5 minute drive. It wasn't the cheapest of shopping trips - you know what they say about shopping when hungry! We went for a bit of a classic, well what I believe to be a classic, New York(ish) combination.


We went for the skinner pork sausages instead of the big thick ones. They were simmered for 4 minutes whilst the toppings were prepared - these were rubber cheese, finely shopped red onion and gherkin. Everything was then rammed into a bit hotdog bun with a little ketchup and lashings of American style mustard. I imagine doing this with lots of English mustard would probably lead to lots of sneezing and watery eyes!

We've a few bits left over so I think this is likely to be out lunch again today.


That's a nice treat. I enjoy a hot dog now and then myself, I love them from a street vendor, if I can find one.