Fasirt - Hungarian Meat Patties

in #foodlast month

Hello Lovelies!

I am thinking to cut my hair, to shoo away bad lucks. I feel like for 4 years now, I have been making bad decision after bad decision 🙉🙊🙈 So Asian me, hey 😅 Idk why we believe that. Chopping off your hair will help you start a brand new day.

Yesterday I napped for too long. The previous night I took Nyquil. It normally affects my body still, the next day. I think I napped due to that. Idk 🤣 Iam just too exhausted with life, I think. Anyhoo, weakness moment to share, I woke up feeling blue and cried 🙈🙊🙉 Yep, close to 3 H nap will do that to me 🤣🤣🤣🤣

Later when I had my daily walk with dear hubby, he made fun of me for it. DEAR hubby! Damn him 🙄🤣🙄🤣


Today's recipe is for dear hubby's country. Fasirt, Hungarian meat patties. Now, before any Hungarians protest, I should say INSPIRED by Fasirt 😉


800 g ground beef
3 pieces of bread slices
1 1/2 c cooked rice
3 eggs
1 heaping tsp crushed chives
1 heaping tsp edes paprika (sweet paprika powder)
1/2 heaping tsp cumin powder
3 green onion
1 heaping tsp onion powder
1/2 heaping tsp garlic powder
2-4 tsp chicken bouillon powder
Italian bread crumbs for coating

Mix everything in a large bowl
Shape into patties
Coat in breadcrumbs




Place patties onto aluminum foil lined pan
Bake on preheated 350 F for 20 mins, flip, continue baking for another 20-25 mins


Oh! We normally serve fasirt with stew, soup, rice, as is. This time as I added cooked rice in the mixture, I served them with buttery veggies stir fry. Easy peasy 😊