Indonesian Coconuty Beef (Serundeng Daging)

in #food2 months ago

Hi Beautiful People!

No snow, no rain, this morning. Still a bit cloudy though. May already, hey. How time flies. I feel like eventhough I've been staying home since April, I haven't really been breathing much. So many things to do in and out of the house. Well, not in the backyard. Weather has been blah 😅 I so want to tidy up the backyard! My plans of making a portion of the yard as backyard garden with raise beds and whatnot won't be a go this year. After calculating this and that, it would be close to 3k YIKES! Yes, I have to see for the long run, but nope, I don't wanna spend 3k for now, it's been hard with so much high taxes to pay, it's choking meeeeee 🥳🥳🥳🥳 Hopefully next year I will have a nice veggie garden.

For today's recipe share, is another Indonesian dish. Another one from my childhood. Whenever I prepare this, always reminds me my late maternal grandmother. She always prepared this dish for me 😍


700 g beef cubes
Enough water
1 small onion
2 bird eye chilies
5 large garlic
1/4 tsp turmeric powder
1/4 tsp galangal powder
2 lemongrass
5 salam leaves (Indonesian bay leaves)
8-10 kaffir lime leaves
2 tbsp vegetable oil
1 bag unsweetened desiccated coconut
Chicken bouillon powder to taste

Place beef cubes into a pot, cover with enough water, boil

Scoop away scums and continue boiling until beef cubes are tender, strain and slice, set aside


In an electric blender, mix onion, garlic and chilies. Dump mixture into a pan

Add turmeric and galangal powder, lemongrass, salam leaves, and kafir lime leaves, saute til bubbly


Stir in beef, cook for 2 mins

Stir in coconut, season with bouillon powder



Continue cooking, stirring often, until coconut feels dry to the touch (all spices absorbed).

Enjoy with warm rice, or congee. So good!


Yummy kesukaan serundeng daging❤️

Aku juga 😊😊😊😊

Rendang is one of my favourites XD

Rendang is the reason my husband married me 🤣