Indonesian Spicy Beef Curry (Rendang)

in #food27 days ago

Hello Friends!

Sunny morning we are having here, altho the wind is a tad strong. It pushes me and am a fat person 🤣 So imagine 🤣

Today I plan to move furniture around. From kids area to mine and vice versa. I feel so energetic! Yep. Sunny day! I repeat, sunny day 😍😍😍😍

I do have to mention, I realize warm sun on my face always makes me sneeze. Idk why. It's like, sunny days, I'd be sneezing, cold days even more. Not just sneezing, but also coughing, and fever 🤣

Anyways! Before I get going with my lovely plan. Let me share you this famous beef curry from Indonesia, that's been said as the best beef dish in the world (by CNN), Rendang.


3 kg beef
2 cinnamon sticks
3 salam leaves
1/8 tsp galangal powder, ground white pepper, ginger powder, cumin powder
A pinch fennel seeds
Half of a nutmeg
10 cloves
3 star anise
A handful curry leaves
4-5 kafir lime leaves
2-3 lemongrass
200 g unsweetened desiccated coconut
1 large onion
1 bulb/knob garlic
6 bird eye chilies
3 cans coconut milk

Cube beef, set to side
Toast coconut til browning, then grind until oily, set to side


Using electric blender, make paste of onion, garlic and chilies, 2 tbsp of olive oil (or vegetable oil) and 1/4 c of water


Dump paste into a nonstick pan, saute til bubbly
Add the rest of the spices into a large pot, then add in sauted paste


Pour in coconut milk, stir to combine
Add in your beef cubes, and turn on stove to low-medium heat, stirring often


When the gravy/broth is lessen, stir in your coconut mixture, stir well
Season with chicken bouillon powder
Continue cooking until caramelized/no longer liquidy, don't forget to keep stirring now and then
Enjoy with compressed rice cake or regular rice, YUMMO


Sounds like me and two of the kids would blow away x_x

Yay rendang! I should get some or get some made (I tried once and it was "okay" but I never tried again XD).

Im still trying every possibilities on how to produce a dark caramelized rendang. Regardless i used my moms, my sister's, can never produced dark caramelized rendang like in indo. Sometimes i think ots due to am using canned coconut milk as opposed to fresh coconut milk as ppl would use in SEA, idk

The flavor is there, but the look is a bit different