In the Sea of Corpses.

in #gaming2 months ago

The fourth chapter, The Apprentice came to an end with this scene.

With that being said, we set our foot on a new chapter and this time its The Raven's Spoils. We reached a forbidden land in this chapter where we could count more corpses of peoples than the rats and we had to walk on the corpses.

It was a foggy winter morning when Lucas kept rowing the boat. The light of the morning definitely brought life to them after the horrible night they passed last night.

Amicia was asking Lucas about the problem that Hugo is carrying in his blood that Laurentius was talking about and Lucas tried to explain it but it was confusing.

Then we reached a shore where Amicia woke up Hugo and the kid started running around hearing noise of frogs and it seemed like its his first time seeing frogs and hearing their noise.

The kid ran fast and we were running after him so he doesn't get into any danger again and Lucas was saying that if we follow the aqueduct, we should arrive at Chateau d'Ombrage before nightfall.

We found Hugo holding an English shield that Hugo has found over there lying on the ground. Amicia asked him to leave that as its not for children and then we noticed this waterfall when Hugo was away from us again.

When we reached Hugo, we witnessed this sea of corpses. This time, they are corpses of peoples, not of pigs. It looks like the English peoples were slaughtered there.

Now we had to walk over the corpses as we had nothing else to do though Hugo was hesitating to walk over dead peoples.

I started running through those stinky corpses holding the hand of Hugo when Amicia was saying that they shouldn't be there. The music and the ambience was telling me that the smell in that place should be unbearable which Lucas confirmed as well.

Hugo was feeling sick seeing all of this and Amicia was asking him to not looking at the corpses and to concentrate on the aqueduct.

We noticed a horse lying on the ground and its body parts were moving. When we went closer, the horse was blown up and there came hundreds of rats out of it and the nightmare started again. I'm confused about the timing now. It was morning a moment ago and now its getting dark again.

I had to use Ignifer and escape from the rats there and suddenly I noticed two peoples were walking among the rats holding torches and they looked like looters who were looking for things to steal in this sea of dead peoples.

Then we reached this place close to the aqueduct an there was that big thing that we needed to use to move forward after this.

To know what happens next, you need to keep following me so you don't miss my next post.

That's all for now. I'll write about more of this story again soon. Be safe till we meet again.
Au revoir/Goodbye.

All the screenshots are my take from my play using the in-game photo mode and I tried canva to edit the thumbnail.


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A true odyssey to walk on corpses. I imagine that doing that must not be easy for anyone. Seeing so many bodies together on the ground reminded me of scenes from some medieval movies.

Yeah, it was a horrible scene for sure and they were not happy to walk on those corpses but they didn't have any other choice.

The horse parts changed to rats😱. That's horrible...

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Yeah, it was horrible. Thanks for the support, bro, but

The horse parts changed to rats

I didn't understand this point.

That's a lot of dead bodies. Imagine the smell.

I don't wish to imagine it, ew I'm imagining it now, its on you man.

First two pictures looks amazing. That sea of corpses says how serious the concept of this game is.

Those are from the cinematic. And yeah, it has a serious concept.

Excellent game, I have heard of it, I would like to play it.

@tipu curate 8

It is an excellent one and you definitely needs to try it. Thanks for the tip.

I thought for a second this was Requiem, the first game looks so pretty imo, still very decent for today's standards, I've never been after ultra realistic graphics so this is really nice imo, your photos are very good as well!

Did you play both? I'm looking forward to try Requiem soon after I finish the concept of this one.

I haven't played any yet, but both games are on my list.