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RE: Feeling grateful

in #grateful2 years ago

Hello, friend @scrooger

Days ago they hacked my Hive account and sent Nitro virus messages to many accounts.

I already changed the passwords and corrected the problem. I'm inside @qurator's Discord but I don't have access to the lounges.

Please could you restore my permissions to interact in Qurator's Discord?

Best regards


Hi @librepensadora I sure can. Are you referring to the Post Promotion room? I opened it up again for you. Sorry to hear about the hack. That is terrible, hope all worked out for you in the end.

Thank you very much. But before that, I could see the rest of the rooms as well.

Alright, go ahead and check if all checks out for you. I added your roles again. Feel free to DM me in Discord instead of leaving comments. =)

Yes, of course. I wrote you here because I don't know how to send you a Direct Message. I can't find you on Discord