New Smuggling Shipment To Hamas Brings Crucial Dolls, Stuffed Toys For Staged Photos

in #hamas17 days ago

How and where to use the supplies is left to the discretion of local Hamas personnel.

Rafah, May 6 - A pause in the fighting has allowed the Islamist group that runs the Gaza Strip to bring in, via tunnels under the Egyptian border, critical supplies for the war effort against Israel, prominent among them eight dozen plush figures and similar items to be posed just so among rubble and then photographed, an organization spokesman disclosed today.

Hamas Assistant Directorate Chief Fawzi Balsaq thanked all those involved in getting the essential war materiel. "First we must thank our friends in Tehran," he began. "Our generous sponsors in the IRGC [the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps, which arms, trains and funs Iranian proxy militias] understand the central role these materials play in the endeavor to destroy the usurping Zionist entity."

"We must also mention the tireless efforts of those who do the actual smuggling, and the children who gave their lives to dig the tunnels," he continued. "The poetry of the children's toys, which will tug at the heartstrings of gullible westerners and get them to pressure the enemy into giving up, leaving us to rebuild and rearm to kill them again and again, all made possible by children who died or got permanently injured to dig the tunnels - the poetry escapes no one."

The shipment also included replenishments for Gaza's inventories of fake blood, which has proved invaluable in the production of atrocity videos.

Analysts offered important clarifying points about the incident. "When most people encounter the term, 'war materiel,' they immediately think of guns, bullets, explosives, rockets, maybe body armor or straps for weapons," explained Dr. Lakri Mosa of the University of Michigan. "Hamas and it smaller allies certainly use those in great quantity. But their chief weapon is Palestinian suffering. Because of the world's predisposition to believe the worst about Israel, it can take days, weeks, if ever, for the fake scenes of Palestinian suffering to be debunked, and by then, the damage is done. Israel faces delegitimization, which is the strategic goal, because Hamas knows it cannot defeat Israel militarily."

Mr. Balsaq declined to offer specifics on the disposition of the dolls and stuffed animals; he disclosed that in general, the choice of how and where to use the supplies is left to the discretion of local Hamas personnel, but, given the disruption that the war has wrought, distribution of those critical warmaking resources remains spotty in most parts of the Gaza Strip outside the stronghold of Rafah.

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