Hashkings Herald - The Freak of a Delay

in #hashkings3 years ago (edited)

Hashking 2.0 - Incoming 2021
In my last post Birth Of a Legend, stated the intent to race 'Hashkings' the horse on the day/night the actual dApp Hashking 2.0 starts. Unfortunately, due to some technical and skilled resources setbacks, game owners had no choice but to postpone the launch further. I truly understand from a former developer standpoint, a delicate balance of going live promise versus buggy code versus users's experience. Even the games I'm actively in is still in open beta. The revision, patches and upgrades has to roll in, long after the launch. Anyway, hang in there @hashkings @qwoyn @al-gaming guys

Meanwhile, I discovered two (2) things. First is Zed.run follows Hashkings on twitter!

zed follows hashkings.PNG

Recently, as ZED Run unraveled an anomaly in their breeding algo. A select few horses were born with DNA not from two (2) but a stack of four (4) parents' DNA.

A screenshot of official announcement in ZED run Discord

Among them, two identified ZED horses are Roid Rager & Jelly Bean. They have been an absolute nightmare to those in the races. Even the odds were heavily inflated for other horses in a race whenever these two participates. In discord, they are even being called 'Super Freaks'.
That leads us to my second discovery, as HashKings was conceived about the same time as Roid and Jelly.

Based on the ZED mint serial #, Hashkings is in between

Could 'Hashkings' be a freak or super freak?
By the time of this posting, the ZED engineering team may have altered or patched the DNA of these horses, limiting the unfair 'super' ability they may possess?

Since 'Hashkings' has not been race, we'll only know when she does.

Some helpful links.

Hashking Official App
Come have a chat, get help, socialize at discord
Hashking's Busy Bird