Update on HBD.Bonds | Sold Out!

in #hbd7 months ago

The first tranche of HBD Bonds are now sold out, two days before the sale period ends on November 26, 2023.
A total of 10k HBD received on @hbd.bonds with a time lock of 90 days.

There was one account that basically bought half of the sale. There was a few others account that wanted to sent more funds but the sale is now over. Don't send more funds.

This shows that users are willing to lock more funds on a longer period. I plan to do a follow up post with some conclusions from the sale and further more details and ideas how to make this more sustainable, instead of the subsidy model from me that I'm now implementing.

More details in the original post: Announcing the HBD Bonds Experiment | A three-month lockup for +10% premium on the HBD interest



Cool experiment!

Cool experiment! Good news that it was completely filled

I'm glad to be part of this historic experiment at the dawn of the Hive Bond era!

Nice to see all 10K HBD came in. Seems this is a success so far. Looking forward to your sustainability ideas.