Large Marsh Grasshopper Stethophyma grossum Saranče Mokřadní

Jako děti jsme jim říkali "koníci" a bylo jich všude dost. Cesty na vesnici nebyly asfaltové a před zahradami byly pruhy trávy. Místo rezidenční čtvrti se pásly krávy a pomatuji si i na koroptve. Sice jsme "koníky" chytali, ale jen tak abychom se na ně podívali.

As children, we called them "horses" and there were plenty of them everywhere. The roads in the village were not asphalt and there were streaks of grass in front of the gardens. Instead of a residential area, cows grazed and I remember the partridges. We caught "horses", but only to look at them.


24.9.2019 South Bohemia, Czech republic


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wow nice grasshopper friend,, thanks for sharing with us all @birdwatcher

When I was little, I, who was still a child, often ate this animal after it was fried, we called it a delicious grasshopper, it tasted very delicious.

I know it is edible, just in our country, we are not used to eat insects.
Our habits may change, but for farmed insects (eg. crickets) only.