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RE: Maguire our new GOAT 🐐😭😭😭

in Sports Talk Social β€’ last year

Chelsea making the top four this season is impossible bro, have you seen their schedule in the coming weeks, it will be a miracle if they manage to make it to the top four and I even doubt they will get European football next season. I still think Chelsea should not have sacked Potter and given him time till the end of the season, like you said building a team doesn't happen over night. The board would not retain Lampard next season I am sure of that but let's see how it goes.

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Haha yeah bro you are actually right it can only be a miracle before things change for them with the way they are going.

One thing a club need to be successful is the coach to be constant but they keep changing as if it's braπŸ˜…πŸ˜… only magic can happen tomorrow vs Real madrid.

How are things with you?

I am good bro, you can see the magic did happen last night πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚