We have Kindness Rocks around us

in Kindness Rockslast month



Hello, friends and community of #kindness-rocks. Greetings! This is my first post here in this community by @mipiano. The name of the community is very close to me. Since I came here to Norway, I have been more connected to rocks as they are all around us. Wherever we walk, we see piles and piles of rocks on the beach, mountains, forest, farms, and even in our garden.

When I came to Norway, In my Ayurvedic practice, I do work with some healing and used rocks/crystals for chakra healing. For a long time, I have known about the kindness of rocks; otherwise, they wouldn't give that peaceful energy just by holding them. I used to do pebble art and give gifts to friends. It is not just art but it has some messages/meanings that I try to spread. Doing this makes me feel nice and happy. But i have never painted them.

Last week, I came across this new community created by @mipiano. I was surprisingly happy The idea of spreading kindness through rocks is something I love, I always follow the rules in my life one of which is to Be kind to each other. I appreciate the aim/initiative of this community.

I would like to share some of my impressions through the Kindness Rocks. Today, I am sharing a few small, easy, and simple things. This is the first time I am painting rocks. During weeding around the house and garden I picked some rocks to show my appreciation for nature. they have been here for ages, and some others we collected during our walks by the seashore.

The rocks I picked to paint were placed by our front steps some years ago





This is a holy symbol in our Indian Hindu myths. often drawn on the front step of each Hindu House. We called it Goddess Laxmi's feet.

I found some unopened paint colors in one of my drawers where many things were stored in one box. I wasn't sure if they still worked. Some colors are missing, just a few with different shades. I used some acrylic paint, which I recently bought in India.

I tried one green tube that was broken already, just using my finger to make sure it works.

The stone became green. It was an oval shape I thought making a leaf and drawing ladybugs on this green leaf.

Use cotton earbuds in sted of brush to make ladybugs shape. They are very tiny.









For this one, I planned to make a turtle but the shape of the stone was fit for a fish, so with a fair amount of imagination i hope you can see it became a fish.


Whil I was making them they didn't look perfect but when I put them back in the place where they belonged, they looked very nice and special.
Thank you for stopping By.


Hi @hindavi

Welcome to the Kindness Rocks community, you have brought very interesting rocks, the Goddess Laxmi's feet are very special! And the ladybugs are cute, well done doing it with the earbuds. 🙌

Thank you very much for enriching the community with your contribution 😇

Thank you very much for the warm welcome in the community and the support from all of you. I much appreciate it. I would love to post my kindness rocks from time to time. It's my pleasure to contribute some kindness through rocks. Greetings and have a nice weekend. :)

The community is open for all the emotions, stories, artistic expression or ideas through the rocks 😇🖌️

Happy weekend to you too ✨

Thank you. :)

You've been curated by @plantpoweronhive! Delegations welcome!

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Thank you @plantpoweronhive have a nice weekend :)

The designs of the stones are always special and I like them so much that I also collect similar stones when I go to the beach like this.

Start painting them. Thank you. Greetings :)