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RE: The Peace of Mind rock has got two siblings

in Kindness Rocks2 months ago (edited)

The more siblings, the better ! (as long as they are rocks !)

That is so "kind" of you to do for your students. It is things like this from our childhood that we sometimes remember as long as we live, that one extra bit of fun attention.

I like your cyclops rock ! He is too fun.

I also adore the little envelopes you have made for them. You DID figure out how to use fun paper with the rocks.


Hahaha, yes, as long as they are rocks lol

I do hope some memories from these lessons and little details will remain in my students. Well, I do know that they don't forget me, even those I used to teach many years ago.

You DID figure out how to use fun paper with the rocks.

Oh, true. 😍 Actually, I was not aware of that but now as you say - I did it!! Paper bits were introduced to my rocks :D