How to obtain the MEMBER label from our community [ENG-ESP]

in Emotions & Feelingslast year (edited)

How to obtain the MEMBER label from our community



Hello everyone! It is a pleasure to write to you again with the purpose of communicating good news: starting this month we will be granting the label MEMBER of our community. In this publication we will detail what you must do to get it and what advantages it will bring, both for the user and for the community.

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Communities can grant the role of MEMBER to specific users. I'm sure you have seen in other communities that it's simple: every time that user posts in that community, the label MEMBER will appear next to their username and reputation. It is clearly visible and marks a difference with other users. Each community sets the requirements to obtain it.

Those who carry that role or tag will have a proven seniority within the community and will have expressed their desire to be active in posting and commenting, and since they will have made their introduction post on Hive when they joined the blockchain, there will be enough reason to believe that they are a real person. All this makes the moderators trust him and his content more. Although they will still check that everything is correct in their posts, it will be easier to remember and trust those members.

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They will be simple:

  • MAKE A REQUEST POST. Mostly we are granted a membership of some club or institution if we request it, not automatically. With that same premise, we want you to make a post in our community (not crosspost) requesting the membership, saying why you like the community, why you think its niche is important, what contributions you want to continue giving to our community, and things like that. Do you have any personal goal to support others, maybe commenting a number of daily or weekly posts? Do you have a goal to post with a fixed regularity in the community? Have you adopted the habit of giving kind suggestions to others who need it to improve their content in the community? These are not requirements, but if you have set yourself any of those goals, please let us know.

  • HAVE MADE AN INTRODUCTION POST ON HIVE Include the link to your introduction post you made when you joined Hive. Quite a challenge if you have enough time! We know.

  • HAVE PUBLISHED 10 TIMES IN THE COMMUNITY WITH GOOD CONTENT We are referring to posts that are in line with the niche, meet the community standards and are free of abuse. We will look at how long it took you to achieve that number of posts, as someone who posts in our community with little regularity or notable absences could raise doubts as to their commitment and desire to be here. Yes, we can review this as well. In short, the number of posts does not automatically make you meet this requirement: it's how you got to that number of posts.

If you comply with all this, you'll have your tag in no time! If we find any glaring deficiencies in the third requirement, we will write to you to tell you what you are expected to do to comply with it.

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Having the role of MEMBER is a reason to rejoice, and it also entails a responsibility. It would be illogical for us to be granted it and then to lower the quality of our content. Rather, we expect you to continue at the pace you have set for yourselves. Avoiding taking things for granted will make us maintain our level and rather seek to improve it further.

We would be very happy to find you helping others to improve their content through kind comments, commending the new ones for being here and interacting with and learning from the experienced ones. How about promoting the community's posts on Twitter? All of these actions are clear demonstrations that you are looking out for what you can do for other colleagues and the community. Thanks in advance.

Finally, we reserve the right to remove the label from any user who in the future commits any abuse or who our team determines has failed to do the minimum expected of those who wear the label.

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You can make your request any day of the week, any month of the year. It would be a good idea to mention us in your post so that we receive a notification.

We will be happy to receive your requests. Our entire team is extremely grateful for all the support we have received from many users, both from the more than two thousand subscribers, as well as from those who reward the publications and with all those who with their good example, quality and commitment have served as a reference to help each other to continue growing. A big hug to all of you, see you next time!

Cómo obtener la etiqueta MEMBER en nuestra comunidad



¡Hola a todos! Es un gusto escribirles de nuevo con la finalidad de comunicarles una buena noticia: a partir de éste mismo mes estaremos otorgando la etiqueta MIEMBRO de nuestra comunidad. En ésta publicación detallaremos qué debes hacer para obtenerla y qué ventajas traerá, tanto para el usuario como para la comunidad.

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Las comunidades pueden otorgar el rol de MIEMBRO a usuarios específicos. De seguro habrás visto en otras comunidades que es algo sencillo: cada vez que ese usuario publica en dicha comunidad, aparecerá la etiqueta MIEMBRO al lado de su nombre de usuario y reputación. Es claramente visible y marca una diferencia con otros usuarios. Cada comunidad fija los requisitos para obtenerla.

Quienes porten ese rol o etiqueta tendrán una antigüedad comprobada dentro de la comunidad y habrán expresado su deseo de mantenerse activos publicando y comentando, y puesto que habrán hecho su post de presentación en Hive cuando se unieron a la blockchain, habrá suficientes razones para creer que es una persona real. Todo ésto hace que los moderadores confíen más en él y su contenido. Aunque ellos igual revisarán que esté todo bien en sus publicaciones, será más fácil recordarlos y confiar en esos miembros.


Serán sencillos:

  • HACER UN POST DE SOLICITUD. Mayormente nos otorgan una membrecía de algún club o institución si la solicitamos, no automáticamente. Con esa misma premisa, queremos que realices un post en nuestra comunidad (no crosspost) solicitando la membrecía, diciendo por qué te gusta la comunidad, por qué crees que su nicho es importante, qué aportes deseas seguir dando a nuestra comunidad, y cosas así por el estilo. ¿Tienes alguna meta personal para apoyar a otros, quizás comentando un número de post diarios o semanales? ¿Tienes como meta publicar con una periodicidad fija en la comunidad? ¿Adoptaste la costumbre de dar sugerencias amables a otros que lo necesitan para mejorar su contenido en la comunidad? Éstos no son requisitos, pero si te has propuesto alguna de esas metas, por favor, háznoslo saber.

  • HABER HECHO UN POST DE INTRODUCCIÓN EN HIVE. Incluye el enlace a tu post de presentación que realizaste cuando te uniste a Hive. ¡Todo un reto si tienes bastante tiempo! Lo sabemos.

  • HABER PUBLICADO 10 VECES EN LA COMUNIDAD CON BUEN CONTENIDO. Nos referimos a post acordes con el nicho, que cumplieron las normas de la comunidad y estén libres de abusos. Nos fijaremos en el tiempo que te tomó lograr ese número de post, ya que alguien que publique en nuestra comunidad con poca regularidad o notables ausencias podría generar dudas en cuanto a su compromiso y deseo de estar aquí. Sí, podemos revisar esto también. En resumen, el número de post no te hace cumplir con éste requisito automáticamente: es la forma en que llegaste a ese número de publicaciones.

Si cumples con todo esto, ¡cuenta con tu etiqueta en poco tiempo! Si encontramos alguna deficiencia notoria en el tercer requisito, te escribiremos para decirte qué se espera que hagas para que cumplas con él.

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Tener el rol de MIEMBRO es un motivo de alegría, y también conlleva una responsabilidad. Carecería de lógica el que se nos la otorgaran y luego desmejoráramos nuestra calidad de contenido. Mas bien, esperamos que continúen el ritmo que llevan, el que cada quien haya establecido para sí mismo. Evitar dar por sentado las cosas hará que mantengamos nuestro nivel y más bien busquemos mejorarlo aún más.

Nos contentaría mucho encontrarlos ayudando a otros a mejorar su contenido mediante comentarios bondadosos, encomiando a los nuevos por estar aquí e interactuando con los experimentados y aprendiendo de ellos. ¿Qué tal promover en Twitter los post de la comunidad? Todas éstas acciones son demostraciones claras de que están pendientes de lo que pueden hacer por otros compañeros y por la comunidad. Gracias de antemano.

Finalmente, nos reservamos el derecho de retirar la etiqueta a cualquier usuario que en el futuro cometa algún abuso o que nuestro equipo determine que ha dejado de hacer lo mínimo que se espera de quienes la portan.

Puedes realizar tu solicitud cualquier día de la semana, cualquier mes del año. Sería buena idea que nos mencionaras en tu post para que recibamos una notificación.

Estaremos contentos de recibir sus solicitudes. Todo nuestro equipo está sumamente agradecido con todo el apoyo que hemos recibido de muchos usuarios, tanto de los más de dos mil subscriptores, como también de los que recompensan las publicaciones y con todos los que con su buen ejemplo, calidad y compromiso nos han servido de referencia para ayudarnos unos a otros a seguir creciendo. Un abrazo para todos. ¡Hasta la próxima!

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Imagenes: Realizadas por @aaalviarez en GIMP con imágenes propias // Made by @aaalviarez in GIMP with own images

Banner: Hecho por @aaalviarez con imágenes propias y recursos gratuitos de la página // Made by @aaalviarez in GIMP with my own images and free resources from the site


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The rewards earned on this comment will go directly to the people( @jolihb, @gabrieladifazio ) sharing the post on Twitter as long as they are registered with @poshtoken. Sign up at

Esto me encanta, redactare mi post de solicitud

Nos contenta eso @actioncats 💞

Me encanta esto, realmente haré mi publicación en estos días, me considero activa y cumplo con todos los requisitos ❤️

Saludos comunidad @hive-102879

me gusta este proyecto espero completar los requisitos apenas empiezo a redactar en la comunidad . 😎

Seguro que lo lograrás. Sigue enfocandote en la calidad y hacer comunidad, y de seguro podrás alcanzar este logro. Un gran abrazo @liberius-1 🍰

Ser miembro, eso me encantaría, redactare mi post pronto. 🌼😉

Que bueno. Estaremos atentos @elisaday7 🌷

Hola mis queridos amigos @hive-102879, esto sin duda alguna es una excelente oferta, solo tengo una duda yo nunca hice un post introductorio para presentarme a hive, quisiera saber como hacer n este caso? estoy con la mayor disposición para formar parte de mi nicho preferido.

Estaré atenta a su respuesta. Saludos y muchas bendiciones, me contenta mucho que ya superemos los 2000 miembros, eso es sinónimo de crecimiento y atracción de contenido

Hola querida @sidalim88 💚

El post de presentación es muy importante para constatar de que el usuario es una persona real, que no intenta aprovecharse de la piscina de recompensas de forma ilícita mediante varias identidades. En tu caso, tienes tiempo publicando con nosotros, te conocemos, has mostrado fotos reales en tus post, interactúas con otros... así que es posible que hagamos una excepción.✨

Por eso, si aún quieres solicitar la etiqueta de miembro, te invitamos a realizar tu post y el equipo lo evaluará y responderá.😉

Estamos contentos de tenerte con nosotros 😘

!Waoooo! que excelente noticia. ya mismo comienzo a trabajar en mi propuesta.

De ante mano agradezco mucho la oportunidad que nos brindan

Excelente mis queridos amigos, estaré en la búsqueda de mis post tesoros de @hive-102879 para solicitar mi membresia en esta cuña de emociones y sentimientos.

Un fuerte abrazo y una feliz tarde

Nos alegra mucho leer eso. Estaremos atentos con su trabajo @gladymar1973 😄

Buenas tardes, que bien. Aunque sugiero la propuesta a el equipo de esta prestigiosa comunidad con una aceptación excelente revisara a los usuarios desde cuando inició la comunidad y los que se han mantenido hasta el momento, han continuado con los aportes en cuanto a la educación de emociones y sentimientos.

Me considero pionera en esta comunidad 😃 😍 😙 .


PD. Igual comencé la búsqueda de mis post en ella, el post de inicio me da un poco de pena por ser en los inicios hay detalles, ja ja ja 😃

Atinado comentario querida @mercmarg 😍

Realmente, es parte de lo que éste equipo quiere ver en los MIEMBROS de la comunidad: la regularidad, la constancia... Pero nos dimos cuenta de que no lo habíamos escrito en el post. Hemos editado el cuerpo de la publicación para que quede más claro éste aspecto.😉

Gracias por todo su apoyo a través de la historia de nuestra comunidad 💜

Que bien , me alegra cuando mis ideas aclaran algo.
Creí que fui un poco ácida con mi comentario, después me dije: expresa tú sentir, ja ja ja.😃

Saludos, hago la lectura de la invitación con la edición, en unos días me dedico a solicitar mi membresía.
Estoy un poco atareada.


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Thank you for the information, this has gone a great deal in explaining a lot. Pls what's the twitter handle so that I follow

You can find our Twitter user in the banner at the end of our post. Thank you very much for your sincere desire to support us in this way @roydragonglass 🙂

I honestly can't wrap my hands around the third requirement... I'm not certain if I've reached the 10th benchmark . Is there anyway I could confirm ?

This is a very good initiative and I'd like to be part of it✨

Hello dear @wongi 🌻

Your question is important. Thank you for asking it.😉

It's not just about looking for a number: 10 post. It's about what the person shows in that content created here. They must be posts that meet our standards. For example, if there is a post where you didn't highlight an emotion or sentiment in your title despite having mentioned it to them, that post would not count. Or perhaps one that does not meet the minimum word count would not count either. Also, the fact that the author has notable absences in the community would be a point against him/her. There must be at least 10 good, quality posts, subject to the rules.✅

In your case, you have posted fourteen times with us (including the one you made a couple of hours ago). However, as you can see in the attached image, we noticed that you have some notable absences in the community.

Captura de pantalla (573).png

Screenshot on my computer

So, if you still wish to meet the requirements to carry the MEMBER label, we invite you to be more present in the community. Familiarize yourself with the Guide to publishing Emotions & Feelings community and our rules. Consume and comment naturally on other members' content. And post more frequently than you used to (we won't tell you how many days or weeks, as that's up to you). Then you can apply for membership. If you focus on these aspects we are sure you will enjoy the process, you will learn new things, the time will pass quickly and you will reach your goal.👍

A big hug from all the team of our community.😘

Thank you very much for the response, I honestly thought I won't get one😅.

It's very true that I have been absent from the community but like you said, I could change that.

I should be applying for the membership badge pretty soon, with all things being equal ☺️

Thank you ones again and have a lovely day @hive-102879

Que buena noticia!
Recibir el rol de miembro en una comunidad es motivo de alegría para muchos de nostros. Espero pronto poder cumplir con todos les requisitos y hacer mi solicitud.
Gracia por este post con todas las orientaciones pertinentes.
Éxitos y bendiciones para este 2023.

Queremos seguir trabajando. Y contamos con los que esten dispuestos a ayudar a que crezcamos juntos. Un abrazo @kattycrochet

I am just seeing this post and I think I want to join this community too. But I have only made a post for the first time here and I would love to be a member. This means I need to make more posts to meet the requirements, be present with posts every week, if not days and familiarize myself with users here. I believe those requirements aren't hard if we are ready to be part of this beautiful community.

That's right. What we can do in each community will be noticed, and if we are truly motivated by our desire for what we can give and not what we can receive, we will enjoy the process and the time will pass quickly. ✌️

We suggest you review our Posting Guide which is also posted at the top of our feed to make sure your posts meet what we want to see in the community and its niche. Remember: at HIVE, quality is better than quantity.😉

Thank you for expressing your desire to join us. Your feedback is very important to us and that we continue to grow together.🌼

Hugs @princessbusayo 😘

Yes, I took my time to go through the community posting guide and I think they aren´t something difficult to engage on once we are ready to give it our best. Thanks for your response.

Muy interesante todo primero buscare el post de introduccion luego los 10 post de esta comunidad y hare mi post de solicitud del rol

Gracias querida @zhanavic69 😘

Interesante. Algún día lo haré, @hive-102879 Remember this reply!

Seguro @freakshow90 . Un abrazo 🙂

Saludos a todos, me complace mandarles bendiciones e a todos yo espero este año activarme nuevamente en la plataforma...con nuevos proyectos y metas.

¡Que así sea! ¡Éxito entonces @omaira74 !😍

Que alegría, al fin hice mi publicación para solicitar formalmente mi solicitud de membresía en la comunidad de Emotions & Feelings.


Que bien. Pronto estaremos allí @maykk 🍰

Soy nueva en HIVE y solo he escrito un post, pero me parece sumamentte importante, éste reto para mí. Me encanta la propuesta

Quería optar por la membresía pero justo hoy me doy cuenta que un hacker entró en mi cuenta , no puedo acceder a mis llaves, solo tengo ecency y por aquí no puedo hacer cambios en mis contraseñas,
todo mi correo personal fue hackeado, tendré que empezar de nuevo, toda mi información al parecer se perderá, todo mi trabajo personal del cual depende mi familia, es muy triste. Gracias por el apoyo que le otorgaron a esta cuenta lo valoro mucho.

¡Qué noticia tan triste! Lamentamos mucho que haya ocurrido eso. Debes estar pasando un mal momento, al pensar en todo lo que has logrado en esta plataforma.💔

Gracias por decirnos, y estaremos al tanto de tu situación @elisaday7 💮

Hello @hive-102879 I have one question though, if I haven't made up to 10post on the community, I can't make a request post for member ship ?

Nice to greet you again @treasuree 😘

The 10 posts are a requirement. So we prefer that you apply for the role of MEMBER when you already have them (not counting the application post itself).👍

Keep in mind that it's not about looking for a simple number. It's about what the person shows in that content created here. They must be posts that meet our standards. For example, if there is a post in which you did not highlight an emotion or sentiment in your title despite having mentioned it to them, that post would not count. Or perhaps one that does not meet the minimum word count would not count either. Also, the fact that the author has notable absences in the community would be a point against him/her. It must be at least 10 posts that have been good, quality posts, subject to the rules. ✅

In your case, a couple of hours ago you published your second post with us. But don't worry: to be an author and publish in our community you don't need to be a MEMBER. **Everyone can do it as long as they comply with the rules ** We invite you to familiarize yourself with them at the beginning of our feed. Also, check out our Guide to posting in the Emotions & Feelings community, which will tell you what we expect from those who post here. 😺

So, if you still wish to meet the requirements to carry the label of MEMBER, we invite you to get involved in the community. Consume and comment naturally on the content of other members. This will show that you are more aware of what you can give than what you can receive and will set a good example to those who wish to apply for the role of MEMBER. Take your time to publish quality content in our community (we won't tell you how many days or weeks, as that is up to you to decide). Remember: in HIVE quality is better than quantity, don't forget that. If you focus on these aspects we are sure you will enjoy the process, you will learn new things, the time will pass quickly and you will be able to reach your goal.🥇

Our sincere wish is that you continue to grow in this wonderful blockchain.💐

On behalf of the whole team we send you a big hug.🤗

Okay this is well understood, will work towards becoming a member here, cause I love this community.
I will sure follow the guide and all, hopefully I meet up the requirements.

Thanks for your reply.🥰

This sounds great and I'm just seeing this now. I'll love to try this. So once I follow all this requirements listed here will i be granted membership?. @hive-102879

Hello @marriot5464 🙋

Thank you for your question.✅

When someone wishes to have the label of MEMBER of the community and believes he/she meets the requirements described can make a request post with the information we have described here and our community team will evaluate it to see if he/she is granted the label or not.🌺

Also, remember: to be an author and publish in our community you don't need to be a MEMBER. Everyone can do it as long as they comply with the rules. We invite you to familiarize yourself with them at the top of our feed. Also, check out our Guide to posting in the Emotions & Feelings community, which will tell you what we expect from those who post here. ✨

As for the 10 posts, it's not about looking for a simple number. It's about what the person shows in that content created here. They must be posts that meet our standards. For example, if there's a post where you didn't highlight an emotion or feeling in your title despite having mentioned it to them, that post wouldn't count. Or perhaps one that does not meet the minimum word count would not count either. Also, the fact that the author has notable absences in the community would be a point against him/her. It must be at least 10 posts that have been good, quality posts, subject to the rules. 👍

So, if you still wish to meet the requirements to carry the label of MEMBER, we invite you to get involved in the community. Consume and comment naturally on the content of other members. This will show that you are more aware of what you can give than what you can receive and will set a good example to those who wish to apply for the role of MEMBER. Take your time to publish quality content in our community (we won't tell you how many days or weeks, as that is up to you to decide). Remember: in HIVE quality is better than quantity, don't forget that. If you focus on these aspects we are sure you will enjoy the process, you will learn new things, the time will pass quickly and you will be able to reach your goal.😁

Our sincere wish is that you continue to grow in this wonderful blockchain.🍂

On behalf of the whole team we send you a warm hug.🤗

Thank for clearly explaining this to me. I guess I should publish more great content post and engage more before going for this. 😊

Good day to you

Here is my application to become a member. Thanks 😊

Thanks. We'll be there soon... @abdul-qudus 😉

I appreciate ☺️

I will note this and keep it in mind. Thank you for this reminder.

This is really beautiful boss.

I will try my best to get this membership tag in no time .

Great @nwothini335 ! We hope that this will be the case 😀

Hola, leyendo sobre esta comunidad @hive-102879 veo muy buena la idea, pronto les escribiré para solicitar mi membresía, espero que sea un si.

Saludos, estoy explorando algunas comunidades y me gustaría publicar en ésta, como una oportunidad para expresar, como lo indica su nombre, mis emociones y sentimientos. agradezco la receptividad.

Seguro. Estaremos atentos. Disfruta tu viaje en la blockchain @cautiva-30 🌺

I will love to do this but at the moment l just joined hive, my introduction post was made yesterday so will allow a few day to pass before l engage this one. I guess that will be what l will be

I want to join hopefully I can meet the requirements @hive-102879 🥰.

I'm sure you will. Success in your work here 😘

Hugs @richdreamer 🌺

This is a great idea and it is very amazing. It will give the community a sense of collaboration and organization. Thanks for the update @emotionsandfellings community.

Thank you for your words @captainman . 🌟

We wish to continue working with love for all of you.🤗

You're highly welcomed.
That will surely end us well. Thanks for seeing it right to reply me. Have a great day.