Pickled Mustard Green Soup with Pork Ribs

in Qurator2 years ago

Pickled mustard green (or dưa chua in Vietnamese) is one of the rustic dishes that is very familiar to most of Vietnamese people. This dish can be eaten directly as a side dish or can also be used to cook many other delicious dishes. One of my favorite dishes made with pickled mustard green is the pickled mustard green soup with pork ribs. This soup is not fussy and is quite easy to cook, and is also one of the dishes that my mom often cooks for my family. Perhaps this soup becomes special to me not only because it tastes good but also because it reminds me of my mom's cooking.


To make this soup, the ingredients that need to be prepared include:

  • Pickled mustard green (this can be easily found at any Asian supermarket)
  • Pork ribs
  • Tomatoes
  • Spring onions
  • Chilli
  • Seasoning

Cooking steps
Step 1: Clean the pork ribs with water then boil the ribs with water. When the water has boiled, reduce the heat and continue to simmer the ribs for about 30 minutes.


Step 2: While waiting for the ribs, wash the pickled mustard green with water and squeeze the pickled mustard green to reduce the sour juice, then cut them into small pieces. Cut tomatoes into wedges. Cut spring onions into long pieces.



Step 3: When the ribs are cooked, add the pickles and chopped chili to the soup pot and cook for another 30 minutes on low heat, season the soup to taste then add the cut tomatoes and spring onions and bring the soup to boil then turn off the heat.


And that's it, the soup is ready to serve. This soup has a mild sour taste from the pickles, a mild taste from the bone broth and a bit spicy from the chili. This dish is especially suitable for eating on a bit chilly day to warm up the body.


Thank you for reading my post! This is my entry to Hive Top Chef competition of Qurator for this week with the theme is comfort food. Hope you all have a nice day!


Một trong những món yêu thích của chị..chua chua ngọt ngọt :)

hehe cả cay nữa c. e cho cả ớt vào nữa vì thích ăn cay. mà dưa này phải tự muối ăn mới ngon. ở đây phải đi mua mà cái gói đó nó chua lòm bóp mãi mới bớt chua

Món này tốn cơm thôi rồi luôn ấy ch 😆😆😆

haha cám ơn @ivypham nha. k lo tốn cơm chỉ lo k có j để ăn v cơm thôi nè kaka

Kkkk đầu bếp tài năng thế này là k lo gì nữa 😆😆😆

Tuyệt vời luôn nha bé ❤️

hehe đỉnh của chóp chứ c :)

Nhìn hấp hấp dẫn quá c ạ. Lần đầu e mới biết món này luôn. E phải thử mới đc 😊

ủa tưởng món canh dưa chua cũng phổ biến mà nhỉ. thử xem sao nha Trang. mà mỗi vùng ngta nấu một khác hay sao á. chỗ mình k có nh nguyên liệu nên nấu đơn giản thôi. ăn cũng k giống ở nhà lắm mà thôi cũng bớt thèm kaka

Ôi món này là ngon hết sẩy, sao lúc ở Nelson mình ít nấu nhỉ ăn hài cốt gà nhiều hơn 😜

haha hồi đó đi làm bận quá mà kaka