Complete one day off for my body and mind / 完全な休養日

in Hive JP11 months ago

Since last Friday, I had busy days. Busy but nice ones. I notice my body and mind need rest so I took full day off today. I did what I like and I ate what I wanted.

I went to buy bread and have a snack to one of my favorite bakeries in the city. Greens and plants made me feel relaxed.

Then I went to bio stores to buy test cooking ingredients. Wasn't it an off day ... yes, I like my work 😁 I took rest at a cafe and had a piece of apple cake I wanted to try for long. Yes, it was tasty with full of apples as I imagined.

In the end I visited an electric supply store to see how do I like bone conduction headphones. I bought one as I can hear my family and colleagues without taking it off.

I bought a wrong colored one by mistake. Because of the color, it looks like a grandma's hearing aid 😅 Never mind. It works fine so far. I will write a review article.

I made easygoing dinner "Kaltes Essen" with the bread. It's a nice German style dinner just slice good bread and put on table with cheese, eggs and veggies.

That's it! My energy was tanked. I will start regular days slowly slowly from tomorrow on.

Take rest, when your body and mind tell so!



骨伝導ヘッドホンの衝動買いもしてしまいました。黒を買ったつもりが、家に帰って見てみると灰色でおばあちゃんの補聴器みたいです 😅 左耳が難聴気味なので、まあ補聴器でもいいのですが。。しばらく使ってまたレビューを書きます。

明日からまた通常営業、がんばります 💪 暑い日が続きます、おやすみとりつついきましょう。



おつかれさまです。私は根がワーカホリックなのか怠け者なのか謎です 😅 好きだとやるんですよね。。でも飽きる w