Hive Open Mic - Semana 209 (Bob Marley/Is this love)

in Hive Open Mic2 months ago

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Hive Open Mic

Semana 209

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Howdy, Hivers. Love is a form of manifestation that surpasses certain limits of everyday life, for love many people have crossed continents, for love the most beautiful songs and poems have been created, for love stories are built, love is a feeling that very few people really let themselves be involved and in this new generation simply believe that love is just a reason to make fun of. The truth in any case is that beyond what
Love is a form of manifestation that surpasses certain limits of everyday life, for love many people have crossed continents, for love the most beautiful songs and poems have been created, for love stories are built, love is a feeling that very few people really let themselves be involved and in this new generation simply believe that love is just a reason to make fun of. The truth in any case is that beyond what is believed, love has even saved lives, giving that push and encouragement to move forward and not to give up. Although love sometimes has a dark side, many have lost because of love, that being who does not feel love with intensity sometimes makes those who do lose part of their lives and then realize that they have broken their heart. On this occasion I want to share with you a song of the great "Bob Marley" with his song "Is this love".

Que tal, Hivers. el amor es una forma de manifestación que sobrepasa ciertos límites d lo cotidiano, por amor muchas personas han cruzado continentes, por amor se han creado las canciones y poemas más hermosos, por amor se construyen historias, el amor es un sentimiento que muy pocos realmente se dejan envolver y en esta nueva generación simplemente creen que el amor es solo un motivo de burla. Lo cierto en todo caso es que más allá de lo que se cree,
el amor ha salvado hasta vidas, dando ese empuje y aliento a seguir adelante y hasta no darse por vencidos. Aunque el amor a veces tiene una cara oscura, muchos por amor han perdido, ese ser que no siente el amor con intensidad a veces hace que los que si lo hacen pierdan parte de sus vidas para luego darse cuenta que han roto su corazón. En esta ocasión quiero compartir con ustedes un tema del gran “Bob Marley” con su tema “Is this love”.

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I hope you like my participation in this week number 209 of Hive Open Mic, always grateful to those who make possible this space for music to them a great recognition @cabelindsay, @mipiano, @jesuslnrs and @daniel2001. My video was recorded this time with my redmi Note 9 and the audio in the program for capturing and editing audio Reaper; for video editing use the video editing program Adobe Premiere pro 2023, it goes without saying that they are excellent tools for better quality at the time of doing our work as content creators.

Espero les guste mi participación en esta semana número 209 de Hive Open Mic, siempre agradecido de quienes hacen posible este espacio para la música a ellos un gran reconocimiento @cabelindsay, @mipiano, @jesuslnrs y @daniel2001. Mi video fue grabado en esta ocasión con mi redmi Note 9 y el audio en el programa para captura y edición de audio Reaper; para la edición de video utilice el programa de edición de video Adobe Premiere pro 2023, esta demás decir que son herramientas excelentes para una mejor calidad en el momento de hacer nuestro trabajo como creadores de contenido.

Gracias por ver mi presentación y nos vemos en la próxima semana con una nueva entrada en este Hive Open Mic.
Thank you for watching my presentation and see you next week with a new entry in this Hive Open Mic.

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Traducción realizada con DeepL

Thanks for watching and see you next video
Gracias por ver y hasta un próximo vídeo

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How wonderful it is to enjoy the love messages of the great Bob Marley in this edition of the Hive Open Mic, plus I particularly loved that the bass bass is highlighted, because it is one of my favorite parts in this musical genre. Thanks for your excellence brother and for celebrating the music of other members of the community 🙏

I have picked this post on behalf of the @OurPick project! Check out our Reading Suggestions posts!

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Y de los mejores bro. 🤘😎