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RE: hive open mic week 200-virtual serenade-jarak dan kita(coversong)by:samuelstifen

in Hive Open Mic β€’ 4 months ago

This is beautiful! I love the song and I like how composed you are playing and singing at the same time.

I'm sure @fmbs25. will be happy to listen to this sound dedicated to him 😊 well done.

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hello sis @merit.ahama , nice to meet you, to be honest I was confused about what song I would sing, but thank God I got a song that really fits this theme, I hope you enjoy this song sis,I also hope that sis @fmbs25 can enjoy my appearanceπŸ˜‡πŸŽ‰πŸ€—

I did and I'm sure she will 😊