Hive OpenMic Week 205 || Just the Way You Are Bass Guitar Overlay 🎸

in Hive Open Mic3 months ago

Hello dear community!

This is my first open mic entry in a long time. It would be over a year i made a video on Hive open mic. So today I decided to squeeze out time to record this video playing the bass guitar over this song Just the way you are by Bruno Mars

I heard a friend of mine listening to this song and at that moment I had a bass guitar in my room. I saw the opportunity to make a recording and share to this community.

I hope my entry is welcomed here...


Brother, how nice it is to have you here, and with this instrumental cover of Bruno Mars, then the happiness of having you here is double. Thank you for being here and for the valuable support you give to our Hive musicians, especially the Hive Open Mic participants. It sounds great, it's a pleasure to listen to you...

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This is very good dear. You play the guitar well.
Thanks for sharing

Thank you very much... Just doing my best... I really appreciate your comment.

Starstrings01 the bassist of our time😂🙌❤️
Thank you for oppressing and giving me a sleepless night with this video and also for making me think .
Meehheen... it's been a long time on the bass guitar but still yet it was a bang my Boss 🙌

smiles... you play the bass guitar far better than I do boss. Instead of you to come meet me and ask how you can teach me to be a better bass guitarist you are whining me boss.

I can't whine my helper boss 🙌

wow wow wow, Seeing this man playing the bass guitar for the first time, i hope the guitar string didnt cut sha. lol Our bassist 🙇

See this man whining me. Yes oh all the string cut.

Guyyyyyy you na pro o
Thumbs up man 👍

Hopefully I become the pro.. Thank you very much.

This is beautiful. Now I know why U are called gifted hands😁

I am glad... Thank you very much!

You’re very good in playing guitar
Keep it up!

He should keep it up😂😂😂😂..
To a musical wizard and lord 😂...

This whining ehn... I am just starting now.

I'm shocked ooo😂😂😂