Saturday Check In: Silver - Weather - Garden - Relax

in Silver Bloggers28 days ago


It's Raining Outside ..

Yet again the weather is wet and dreary... The weather in our area has been unseasonably wet and cool. We typically are in the 70s by this time of year. We have had more wet cool weather than many of the years past, and it's been bittersweet. Although I like sunnier, warmer weather, so I'm not so miserable and depressed, it does allow us to get some things accomplished otherwise it would be too hot get done.


Between the rain showers and bitter winds .. We've made the best of the situation and been working outdoors in our landscape and garden. One big tour off my to do list has been moving a grass clipping/compost pile that's been accumulating for the last several years. It was my intention to move this rather large and ugly pile to the back of the yard. I ended up spreading most of it over the garden and placing the rest along the fence line at the back of the property. it took me several days to do this but it's done!


As far as future plans for this area go, I was talking with my wife and I think we decided to possibly plant a row of grape vines here. The project shouldn't require much other than purchasing approximately four posts, maybe three, some cable and of course the grapevine. This area is known for growing grapes and has recently seen a comeback in grape production and vineyards over the last several decades. The Sandy loam soil boats well to grape vines that are resistant to nematodes. Will pick something up that will work for our area and see what happens. I'm not looking to get into the grape production industry, but rather just have some vines that we can enjoy looking at. I think they would make a nice backdrop to our garden.

The First Garden Crops ..




Speaking of the garden .. Like I said the weather hasn't been conducive for outdoor activity and planting. We did manage to pick out some early crops Such as lettuce, beets, green bell peppers, and tomatoes. This week I'm looking to add squash, zucchini, string beans, and maybe some sort of melon like cantaloupe.

I also have a sweet Vidalia onion that started to sprout on my countertop. Maybe I'll throw that in somewhere and see what happens with it.


Damn Crows!

Damn Crows got into the garden the other day and we're pecking at my bell peppers. What the heck! Damn birds guess it's time to hire scarecrow.


Elsewhere in the yard

Mulch and edging needed done this year.. I've been so busy with work and other projects that I figured I would be running out of time, so I hired somebody to do it. It sort of hurts since I'm used to doing all of the yardwork, but this time I felt pretty good letting somebody else do the heavy lifting. They ripped out the old edging, cleaned the beds up, placed 5 yards of root mulch, and it only took them 6 hours. It would have taken me all day and part of another. I'm happy with the results and I'm glad I decided to let somebody else handle it this year.

Before you say anything about the green on the house and roof, we have a company coming next week to power wash the house and treat the roof to kill the moss.

Irises are in bloom!!! smile smile


We also had a friend move a large pile of dirt .. To back of the yard to fill in a low spot, as well as place some of it along a new walkway. I've been taking some time creating a couple of new beds in that area. It'll look awesome when its all done. We will be picking up some additional plants this week or next to fill in the new bed.

Before and After .. Dirt Pile GONE!


Some of the dirt went here to create new bed along the walk


After spending 4 hours spreading the dirt


Created a new small bed at the end of the walk for some balance


And the rest of the pile filled in a large low spot at the back of the yard


Help Isn't Always A Bad Thing ..

Having help definitely freed up a lot of time. Now we can focus on getting the new plants installed, rock ordered and installed, house power washed, carpet installed ... ETC ...
Then the best part of all…


Enjoying the space this summer!

I'm looking forward to that.

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How About Those SILVER Prices???

It's about time we had a breakout! I wonder if it will pull back next week. I am thinking that the way we broke through the $30.00 mark, it may be only upwards from here. The dips never last long enough for me to accumulate enough to reach my goals. Oh well.. That's why they call it DCA - Dollar Cost Averaging. As long as you have your goals, and slowly add to your stack, you'll always be ahead of the game.


Will we ever see silver below $30 again?

I am ready to buy the next dip..

Whenever that happens again. (big smile on my face!)

Speaking of which, I still need to write a post covering a few more Silver Peace Dollars I picked up.. Soon I think.

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Thank you for swinging by my blog and checking out the post. Have a great day!

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All words, pictures and art pieces are the sole property of B D Miller Gallery, unless otherwise noted and credited, and are not to be reproduced or copied without the prior written consent of B D Miller Gallery.

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I have my own challenges finding something squashed/bent some of my bean and Beet seedlings so I had to start from seed again, some time lost. On the other hand my Onions and potato growing like crazy. My sole orchid even has bud peeking out, I'm delighted. I got Beets, Tomatoes, pumpkins and peas going.
Looking forward to seeing your results this fall @bdmillergallery

Pumpkins will be cool! Yeah the birds around here are crazy. Squirrels also wreck havoc if the risk the long run over to the garden.
Your Orchid has a bloom stem starting??!!! Very exciting news 😁



The pot is looking too small, when would it be safe to repot into a bigger pot? After the blooms open and fall off?

Yes. I would wait until the blooms are done and fall off. Then I would snip that bloom Stem, about 1/4 inch out from where it protrudes from the leaves. You wanna wait until after bloom because the stress of repotting it may make it drop the blooms prematurely… And you've waited so long for the bloom.

I actually just repotted my mother-in-law's because it finally finished blooming after about a month and a half of holding onto those flowers. What I do is I soak the plant in a cup of water. Or if your pot doesn't have a hole at the bottom just fill it up completely with water and let it sit for about 20 minutes. Then I pull the entire thing out of the pot and start breaking Off that moss or whatever media it is they potted it in. I clip off any roots that are brown or dried up. Your left with something similar to this…


Then I typically repot it in a larger pot, preferably terra-cotta but that's just my choice. Terra-cotta pots allow the water to drain and be pulled out of that bark enough that it doesn't sit in the bar too long and create a moldy situation around the roots. That's the reason I use it. You can easily triple the size of the pot it's probably in right now. I Purchased bark from the hardware store. Home Depot or Lowes typically has an orchid bark available. There's no way you'll probably use the entire bag repotting one orchid, but the bark lasts a long time so if you have a place to store you're good to go. I just filled the bottom of the pot with a little bark, place the plant in there and while holding it shake additional bark in around those bare roots. Then I just water mine once a week.

Hopefully that wasn't too much information at once. Lol

Bookmarked for future reference. 🤗

You have a very beautiful house @bdmillergallery , that was my expression when I saw it.


May God bless the people who live there and give them health and love.

Awwww.. Thank you! We worked very hard for everything we have and are so blessed. Same to you as well. Health and love to you 😊

I don't doubt it, they worked and continue to work to have such a nice place. Ɓien deserved.

Thank you very much. 🥰

I love Vidalia onions. They are the best. I seriously could eat one like an apple I think sometimes. It's been pretty hot here lately. I spent the day working in the yard and sweating my butt off. We didn't do mulch this year and we probably should have.

Oh no! I could not eat an onion that way. 😝 I like them cooked. lol. But if you like them that much go for it!!!
Yeah I've seen that you have been in the heat lately while we have been cool and rainy. Our time will come and then I'll be sweating my butt off. Guess you could always buy a few bags from HomeDepot or somewhere, and touch up if you need to.

We have place around the corner I usually go to and buy a couple cubic yards each year. Problem is now I already have all the camping stuff in the back of the truck so I would need to take it out to get the mulch in there. I wouldn't eat a regular onion raw, but Vidalias are so sweet you almost can. I wish I had a set up where I could have a more proper garden with watering and such, but I'm not sure I want to put the time and effort into this house.

I hear ya. We plan on being here at least another 10 years.. after that no sure. Either south or to the beach (on the island). My wife loves the beach and spends most of her summer there chilling out on the sand. So I totally understand not putting a whole lot of time and effort into something you may not live in for the long haul. Camping or mulch.. camping or mulch -- hmmmm Yeah Camping definitely wins! lol

I want to say we will be out of this house within ten years, but given the market, I just don't know if that is going to be possible. I think we would really like to do a new construction, but finding the right piece of land is difficult. We've also talked about a condo, but we need someplace we can park our trailer without getting ticketed! First world problems am I right?

Definitely 1st world problems.. lol
We built this house 17 years ago. It was a fun but stressful process. Everything is so expensive so I imagine this time around I would be in for some real sticker shock. I always say that we would buy the land and hang on to it for the next build, but not sure exactly where we want to be yet.

There are definitely a lot of factors to consider the older you get. There are things I would do to our current house, but they are all expensive and I don't want to just throw that money away. Assuming I had the money in the first place!

It appears that you have it made in the shade... I love how much Garden Space you have...

I could probably have a small farm we have so much space.. lol. It sucks when it's time to mow. That takes a long time.

Nice work! That's going to be a great garden this year!

We hope so. Enjoying the fruits of your labor is always a good feeling.

You have a beautiful yard. @bdmillergallery ! Your wife and yourself did pretty well for yourselves!!! I look forward to updates about the growth of your vegetables.
Silver seems to be heading in the direction we always wanted! I think it is time to sell my 2015-mid-202 stack!

Dear @bdmillergallery, you just got hugged.
I sent 1.0 HUG on behalf of @silversaver888.

@bdmillergallery! Your Content Is Awesome so I just sent 1 $BBH (Bitcoin Backed Hive) to your account on behalf of @silversaver888. (16/20)

Thank you! It is a work in progress.. a little each year and by the time we are done we'll be ready to move again. lol

Garden is looking great, once you get started. Hiring in a handy helper is something one considers when working with large area or time related tasks this was a wise move freeing you up to attend to other things that need to be done.


I'll tell you it really felt good, like a weight lifted from my shoulders. And yes.. now I can focus on other things.

Real life happens all the time around a home, one does need assistance to keep up with the tasks, enjoy your week.

You too.. have a fantastic week.

Just like that, planting is not easy, it takes a lot of work, it takes a lot of time and there is a lot of happiness when the plants grow well.

Plants and tending to them bring some sort of balance to life in my opinion. It makes me feel good to see the progress and growth.

Yeah you are right.


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