Awrrrr! I Be a Pirate Matey,

in Silver Bloggers4 months ago


This last week has been pure entertainment. You can;t tell it, but sarcasm is all over that statement. You see, I went in for the emergency retina surgery last Friday. Since then, literally head down 50 minutes every hour each day. Not to mention I can only sleep on my left side. This has something to do with the air bubble they inserted to help hold the torn part of the retina in place.

Now that the first week is over, the seond week puts me at 45 mintes each hour I am required to have my head down per hour. Next week I can go to 30 minutes per hour hour. After that I have to keep my head down for up to a total of around five hours per day.

ALl in all it is not much of a sacrifice to keep my vision. However, it is an eye opener. Pun Intended

I have noticed without my other eye, my vision is not as keen, depth perception is off, and I get off balance rather easily. Now, I imagine that would pass with time because many people adapt to missing an eye, but surely it takes lots of time to adapt.

Just typing this post is a little bit of a struggle as my vision is blurred and I have a blind spot on the keyboard were my hunt and peck typing is hindering progress. Thankfully I have coffee to fuel me on.

The one cool thing about having my head down for 50 minutes a day is that television and the computer are kind of off limits for most of the day. That has freed me up to become singularly focused in a way.

I have spent the better part of the week making contact with people I haven't spoken to in a bit. We talked about getting together after I am able to lift my head up and having breakfast or lunch to catch up more, fishing trips, old times, good times, bad times, kids, wives, and solved the world problems sometimes.

Yesterday was my first week follow-up and all was well. I plan to celebrate today by making more calls and sending more messages. Setting up more lunch dates, breakfasts and fishing trips is the plan.

Until then, I am trying to work on my pirate talk, not get a peg leg, and find me a parrot that can cuss well.

That's all for now. My 15 minutes was over sometime ago.


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You just need to get a pirate style eyepatch to complete the look.

In all seriousness, I hope you recover soon!

That is what I told the wife. Luckily though they have taken off the patch. I only have to wear something over it when I am sleeping.

Thanks. It is not painful at all, just feels like I got a little something in my eye. It will be a couple months before I can see well the doc said.

It is very good to have humor in difficult moments, especially if they are full of sarcasm.

Four years ago my mother's retina detached from both eyes, it was a terrifying time for both of us, but she had an operation and recovered her sight, she had been blind, of course she spent a lot of money, as the saying goes, it was more expensive than an eye and a face.

Thank God she can see.

In my case I have had glaucoma for 12 years, and when I received the diagnosis I was depressed.

With all my heart I hope you recover and keep the light in your eye @coinjoe

I have found that suffering in my challenges does nobody a service, especially myself. Yes, I am thankful that I still have a good eye to see from. I do wish you well in your battle moving forward. Thanks.


I'd wondered what happened to you, as you and Vincent disappeared at the same time. Good on you for having a positive outlook (every reference to it is a possible pun, right?). I 'm sure it will serve you well as you recover.

When I was gone for a couple months it for for other reasons. This just recently happened. Yeah, my weird sense of humor has gotten me through a lot over the years. I lsot it for sometime and finally getting it back.

But you are missing the pirate eye patch….. you’ll heal and won’t look back on it. No pun intended

Yeah, not the traditional eye patch for of a swash buckling bandit, is it? Trying to talk my wife into getting me one for valentine's day. Not sure that is going to happen though. Hope you're well friend.

I had eye problems a few years ago and got into Audible books and listening to the radio again!

You get on the mend soon.

My wife has been on me about listening to audiobooks. But they just put me to sleep if I am not walking or something. The radio is not a bad idea. Thanks for the well wishes.

Hello @coinjoe

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