Blurry Weekend

in Silver Bloggers10 months ago


This weekend was a blur. It all started Friday with my wonderful wifey putting me to work in the heat of the day. Nah, not really, it was on me, she would never ask me to do something that could be detrimental to my well being.

Anyway, as some may have read a few posts ago, we had an old dying tree cut down in the front yard. It left a large bare spot and we had three options:

  1. Replant a tree
  2. Leave it bare and plant grass seed
  3. Landscape with flowers and stuff

Replanting a tree was thrown out because we have a water line that runs close by were the roots would grow. It was a wonder the previous tree had not damaged it. So option 1 was out, we didn't want to chance it.

Leaving it bare and planting grass seed was my vote. Less that has to be trimmed and mowed around. Less maintenance period. Option 2 had Joe's vote.

The wife already had flowers planted around the previous tree. She dug them up and saved them before it was cut down. So where do we put them? Her answer was back where they came from and plant a flowering bush of some sort. Wifey votes for option 3.

Now I am not sure how other married folks houses work, but mine doesn't work like a government voting system. You see, ours is more like a corporate structure. The more shares you have, the more voting power you have. My old lady has earned her shares in this little family corporation over the years and she has majority vote.

Options 3 it was.


The heat finally shut us down. It really shut me down. I have been a little wonky for a few days since. That is okay though, I enjoyed being outside and doing something.

Wwe have some dressing up of things to do. The youngest and I will be setting and pinning down the landscaping timbers today. We will also be drilling some holes in the timbers for some landscaping lights.

I think the wife plans to add some more flower later, but not sure. After the landscaping timber pinning and drilling is finished, my job with this little project is finished.


So after being baked to near death on Friday, I was ready to stay inside Saturday. Wasn't in the cards though. Seems the previous owners of our home had fabricated a fix to the armature that opens the garage door. Well, the fabrication didn't last and decided to break Saturday.

It tore a hole in the garage door and frankly was a shabby repair job they did. We are now going to need a new garage door. Actually, we were probably needing one before this. The rollers and springs I think were going bad on this one. It seems old and is probably the original door from when the house was built.


So I contacted the handyman we like to use. I just don't, and can't do these type of things anymore. He took a look and gave us a quote for putting in a new door. It was reasonable and we will get it done sometime soon when he has availability. He is a good handyman, so is in demand and booked out a couple weeks.

After dorking around with the garage door most of Saturday, before calling the handyman, I was spent and decided to lay down for some rest. Ever since then I have just been BLAH!

That is until this morning. It seems I just over did it Friday and a little more Saturday. That is okay though. As I start getting more mobile, I won't know what my limits are unless I test them occasionally.

Well, my coffee is getting cold and I need to grab a quick bite to eat for breakfast before the son and I start hitting the landscaping timber.

Thanks for reading,


Note: Images are my own taken with iPhone6s and iPhone11

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 10 months ago  

It's no wonder you're feeling 'Blah' when having to do all these chores in the heat! I hope your wife's new flower patch takes off nicely soon.
We have a massive tree close to the bedroom window, never thought it would grow to this height, so I may have to get someone to at least trim it down somewhat!
Enjoy what's left of the week @coinjoe

Thanks for the tip, it is much appreciated.
Yeah, I would get it trimmed before it becomes a hazard to your home.
You enjoy your week as well @lizelle

Hi there @coinjoe and Happy Friday! This is to let you know that your post has been nominated for Silver Blogger of the Week you can read about what this means in Another week and it's time to vote for Silver Blogger of the week 33 and if you like go and vote here

Good luck and thanks again for posting in Silver Bloggers community.

Thanks so much. It is so appreciated. I also want to wish you a belated Happy Birthday @tengolotodo!

I still can't vote, but I'd vote for this one if I could.

Thanks man, I appreciate it.

Hey Joe I am going to blame you for being BLAH on Sunday and Monday!

btw please pass some of that sun and heat this way!!!

I would, but not sure you would want this stuff too long.

The heat has been pretty miserable. I remember mowing the lawn a couple weeks ago and it almost put me on the ground. It was just brutal. I had to stop several times just to get my breath. I think some of it had to do with the wildfires in Canada too. This looks really nice! We had several flower beds in our front yard, but we are slowly moving them over to grass. We hate weeding and we tend to kill plants!

Yeah, the air has just been terrible. I have lung issues, so it makes it even worse. Good training though😄. Yes, you do need to take your time and breaks in this stuff. I can;'t imagine what it was like for the folks in the SW. I mean I have been in 120 degree heat before, but I was younger and in great shape too. As far as it being turned to grass, that is what I would have preferred, but was out voted by the CEO.

Yeah, those temps down in Arizona are just brutal. I can't even imagine!

Looks nice—you did a good job.

Hope the garagedoor fix comes soon.

Thanks. Its all on the wife, I just moved things around where she told me to put it. As far as the garage door, we decided to just have our awesome handyman do a fix on it, but do it right. A new door with the labor is just too much right now. Maybe later. For now we just have to do it the old fashion way and open and close it ourselves.

I have been blah for a couple days now too. I know the feeling...

That is weird. The BLAH is contagious I guess.

I'm on the mend at least some anyway!

Good to hear.

I feel "blah" a lot these days. I know I just need to force myself out a few times and things will be better. Not out in the heat and humidity though. Check paragraph 8 (Wwe)(forgot to take out the small "w".

I am hoping the heat is about done here. We have more coming next week, but maybe that will be it (fingers crossed). Oh, typos, grammar and spelling snafus, you are gonna get all that mess with me. My brain is mush sometimes.

I'm so sorry it knocked you down. Take the rest that you need. I'm glad you got a handyman in. Sometimes it's good safer to know our limitations. I think the newly planted spot looks wonderful. You both did great!

I think all is good now. Just got to find a way to work around it. In this case a handyman was the answer. Thank you for the compliment. The wife still has more plans for it, but I think they will wait until next year as it is getting late in the summer for more planting.

I can't wait to see the updates, it's going to look fantastic. I'm hoping to get some plants in the ground when Spring finally makes an appearance here. It's been freaking cold man.

Keep well Joe and hope you are getting rest to recoup.

Hello @coinjoe

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 10 months ago  

Heat can sometimes be unbearable. Your plant bed is looking nice and I can imagine months from now, that would be thriving :)

Glad your garage door is going to get fixed at a reasonable cost. Sometimes, we simply have to let others do things for us :) Enjoy your day and hope you are rested now.

Hey, how are ya? Been a while since we chatted. Hope all is well.

Thanks for the compliment. Oh, the wife will have it looking wonderful by next spring. Yeah, I think we went ahead and are going to put off the new door for now and do a proper fabrication to fix it. It will be less than half the cost of putting in a new door.

You enjoy your day as well.

 10 months ago  

Doing well over here, thank you :) Good to read from you after a while.

At least there's a remedy to have it fixed without having to change it to a new one :) Enjoy the rest of your week❤️
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